

第1个回答  2016-06-04

VolumeⅠ?English for Assistant Human Resource Manager
Unit 1?The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management
?1.1?什么是人力资源管理?What Is Human Resource Management?
?1.2?为什么人力资源管理对所有管理者都是很重要的?Why Is HR Management Important to All Managers?
?1.3?人力资源部门的管理职责 Human Resource Department?s HR Management Responsibilities
?1.4?直线部门和职能部门人力资源管理职能的协调 Cooperative Line and Staff Human Resource Management
Unit 2?Human Resource Planning
?2.1?人力资源规划的作用The Role of Human Resource Planning
?2.2?人力资源规划和企业规划 Human Resource Planning and Business Planning
?2.3?刚性和柔性的人力资源规划Hard and Soft Human Resource Planning
?2.4?人力资源规划与人力规划Human Resource Planning and Manpower Planning
?2.5?人力资源规划的局限性Limitations of Human Resource Planning
?2.6?人力资源规划的理论基础The Incidence and Rationale for Human Resource Planning
?2.7?人力资源规划的组织背景The Organizational Context of Human Resource Planning
?2.8?劳动力市场的含义The Labor Market Context
?2.9?人力资源规划的目的Aims of Human Resource Planning
?2.10?人力资源规划的过程The Process of Human Resource Planning
?2.11?人力资源专业人员对人力资源规划的贡献The Contribution of HR to Human Resource Planning
Unit 3?Recruiting Job Candidates
?3.2?作为职位候选人来源的招聘广告Advertisingas a Source of Candidates
?3.3?作为职位候选人来源的职业介绍所Employment Agencies as a Source of Candidates
?3.4?作为职位候选人来源的招聘执行人员Executive Recruiters as a Source of Candidates
?3.5?作为职位候选人来源的校园招聘College Recruiting as a Source of Candidates
?3.6?作为职位候选人来源的员工推荐与自荐求职 Referrals and Walk?ins as a Source of Candidates
?3.7?计算机化的员工数据库 Computerized Employee Data Bases
?3.8?招聘更加多样的劳动力Recruiting a More Diverse Work Force
?3.9?招聘方法的使用 Recruiting Methods Used
Unit 4?Training Techniques
?4.1?演示法 Demonstration
?4.2?教练法 Coaching
?4.3?工作轮换法/有计划的经验 Job Rotation/Planned Experience
?4.4?工作指导法 Job Instruction
?4.5?问答法 Question and Answer
?4.6?任务法 Assignments
?4.7?项目法 Projects
?4.8?指导阅读法 Guided Reading
?4.11?讨论法 Discussion
?4.12?发现法 Discovery Method
?4.13?程序学习法Programmed Learning
?4.14?案例研究法Case Study
?4.15?角色扮演法Role Playing
?4.16?小组演练法Group Exercises
?4.17?团队动力培训法Group Dynamics
Unit 5?Performance Evaluation
?5.1?绩效评估的目的Purposes of Performance Evaluation
?5.2?绩效评估和激励 Performance Evaluation and Motivation
?5.3?我们评估什么? What Do We Evaluate?
?5.4?绩效评估的方法 Methods of Performance Evaluation
?5.5?潜在问题 Potential Problems
?5.6?克服潜在问题Overcoming the Problems
Unit 6?Reward Systems
?6.1?内在的报酬Intrinsic Rewards
?6.2?外在的报酬Extrinsic Rewards
Unit 7?The Collective Bargaining Process
?7.1?什么是集体谈判? What Is Collective Bargaining?
?7.2?什么是真心实意的谈判What Is Good Faith Bargaining?
?7.3?谈判的团队The Negotiating Team
?7.4?谈判的项目 Bargaining Items
?7.5?谈判的阶段Bargaining Stages
?7.6?僵局、调解和罢工Impasses,Mediation and Strikes
?7.7?合同协议The Contract Agreement Itself
?7.8?工会化后的变化Changes to Expect After Being Unionized
VolumeⅡ?English for Human Resource Manager
Unit 8?Knowledge Management
?8.1?知识管理的定义Knowledge Management Defined
?8.2?知识的概念The Concept of Knowledge
?8.3?知识的类型Types of Knowledge
?8.4?知识管理的目的和意义The Purpose and Significance of Knowledge Management
?8.5?知识管理的方法Approaches to Knowledge Management
?8.6?创造知识的公司The Knowledge?creating Company
?8.7?以资源为基础的方法The Resource?based Approach
?8.8?知识管理问题 Knowledge Management Issues
?8.9?人力资源管理对知识管理的贡献The Contribution of HR to Knowledge Management
?8.10?人力资源管理的10种贡献方式Ten Ways in Which HR Can Contribute
Unit 9?Steps in Job Analysis
Unit 10?Release from the Organization
?10.1?总则General Considerations
?10.2?冗员的原因 Causes of Redundancy
?10.3?设定更高的绩效标准Setting Higher Performance Standard
?10.4?自愿离职Voluntary Release
?10.5?组织裁员的管理——HR职能部门的角色Managing Organizational Release—the Role of the HR Runction
?10.6?伦理的和职业的考虑Ethical and Professional Considerations
?10.7?职业发展动力学Career Dynamics
?10.8?组织的裁员活动Organizational Release Activities
Unit 11?Identifying Training Needs
?11.1?培训需求分析——目标Training Needs Analysis—Aims
?11.2?培训需求分析——范围Training Needs Analysis—Areas
?11.3?信息源Sources of Information
?11.4?需求分析的方法Methods of Analyzing Needs
?11.5?培训和学习规范Training and Learning Specifications
?11.6?绩效评估 Performance Reviews
?11.7?培训调查 Training Surveys第12单元培训评估
Unit 12?Evaluating Training
?12.1?评估的层面 Levels of Evaluation
?12.2?培训评估的应用Application of Training Evaluation
Unit13?Career Development
?13.1?职业发展阶段Career Stages
?13.2?职业锚Career Anchors
?13.3?有效的职业发展实践Effective Career Development Practices
?13.4?个人脚注:个人职业发展 A Personal Footnote: Individual Career Development
Unit 14?360?degree Feedback
?14.1?360度反馈的定义 360?degree Feedback Defined
?14.2?360度反馈的使用 Use of 360?degree Feedback
?14.3?360度反馈的原理 Rationale for 360?degree Feedback
?14.4?360度反馈的方法360?degree Feedback—Methodology
?14.5?360度反馈的利与弊 360?degree Feedback—Advantages and Disadvantages
?14.6?360度反馈的成功标准360?degree Feedback—Criteria for Success
Unit 15?Performance?based Compensation
?15.1?什么是基于绩效的薪酬?What Is Performance?based Compensation?
?15.2?基于绩效的薪酬与期望理论的关系Linking Performance?based Compensation and Expectancy Theory
?15.3?绩效薪酬在实践中的运用Performance?based Compensation in Practice ?第16单元?弹性福利
Unit 16?Flexible Benefits
?16.1?什么是弹性福利? What Are Flexible Benefits?
?16.2?弹性福利与期望理论的关系Linking Flexible Benefits and Expectancy Theory
?16.3?弹性福利在实践中的运用Flexible Benefits in Practice
Unit 17?Job Satisfaction
?17.1?测量工作满意度Measuring Job Satisfaction
?17.2?作为因变量的工作满意度Job Satisfaction as a Dependent Variable
?17.3?作为自变量的工作满意度 Job Satisfaction as an Independent Variable
Unit 18?Nature of International HRM
?18.1?国际化人力资源管理International Human Resource Management(IHRM)
?18.2?所选国家或地区的国际人力资源管理实务IHRM Practices of Selected Countries or Regions
Unit 19?The Human Resource Management of the Joint Venture Organization: Chinese Model
?19.1?公司背景Background of the Company
?19.2?改革中的企业 A Reformed Enterprise
?19.3?合资:走向失败The Joint Venture: towards Failure
?19.4?来自“婆婆”的干预Interference from the “Mother-in-law”
?19.5?中国人的工作价值观 Chinese Work Values
?19.6?在中国的中外合资企业International Joint Ventures in China
?19.7?中外合资企业的动机和激励机制Motivation and Reward Systems in Chinese International Joint Ventures
?19.8?合资企业管理的建议Implications for the Management of Joint Ventures
附录?Appendix: 人力资源管理专业术语Glossary
