

My Future Plans: A Glimpse into My Professional and Personal Life
Ever since I was young, I've aspired to be a teacher. The vocation of teaching holds immense honor, as it is pivotal to the development of a nation. I am profoundly honored to dedicate myself to the cause of education.
As I understand it, a teacher is akin to a candle, known for their kindness, wisdom, and diligence. They are instrumental in guiding others and are highly regarded for their selfless service. I firmly believe that my passion and aptitude for teaching align closely with this noble profession.
If fortune smiles upon me, I shall pursue a career in teaching. My academic pursuit in English Education hints at this inevitable path. I am committed to harder work, certain that I can fulfill my dream.
Professionally, my ambition is to teach history at the university level. Before charting my future, I understand the value of seeking guidance from parents and teachers, whose wisdom and advice are invaluable.
During my high school years, I developed an interest in history, recognizing my strengths in memory and believing this to be a solid foundation for historical studies. My enthusiasm and inclination towards history are evident, prompting me to apply for a Ph.D. degree in American history at Columbia University.
Apart from my professional endeavors, my personal life is set to change as well. I am eager to experience the independence that comes with living away from my parents. This newfound freedom will grant me additional time to engage in activities I hold dear.
In essence, my future is a tapestry of aspirations and plans, woven together with the threads of hard work and determination. I am confident that my dreams will not only materialize but will also be a source of fulfillment and joy.