fail to do sth和fail in doing sth有什么区别呢?


首先我们来看下fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的大致意思:

fail to do sth:词性为短语,fail to do sth 是一个动词短语,由动词fail和不定式to do sth构成。

fail in doing sth:词性为短语,fail in doing sth 是一个动词短语,由动词fail和介词in以及动名词doing sth构成。

通过下面的表格我们了解下fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的用法区别:

1.结构上的区别:fail to do sth是动词+不定式的结构,而fail in doing sth是动词+介词+动名词的结构。


- They fail to complete the task.

(他们fail to complete the task.)

- He fails in understanding the concept.

(他在学习上fail in understanding the concept.)

2.动作完成与否的区别:fail to do sth表示未能完成或实现特定的动作或任务,而fail in doing sth表示在进行某项活动或任务中失败。


- I fail to submit the report on time.

(我fail to submit the report on time.)

- He fails in trying to fix the computer.

(他fail in trying to fix the computer.)

3.时间顺序的区别:fail to do sth强调动作未能在将来完成,而fail in doing sth强调动作在过去或正在进行中失败。


- She fails to meet the deadline for the project.

(她fail to meet the deadline for the project.)

- He fails in persuading his boss to give him a raise.

(他fail in persuading his boss to give him a raise.)
