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主要是指由咨询公司提供的物流咨询服务。咨询公司应物流公司的要求为其提供物流系统的分析和诊断,或提供物流系统优化和设计方案等。总之第四方物流公司以其知识,智力,信息和经验为资本,为物流客户提供一整套的物流系统咨询服务。第四方物流公司要从事物流咨询服务就必须具备良好的物流行业背景和相关经验,它并不需要从事具体的物流活动,更不用建设物流基础设施,只是对于整个供应链提供整合方案。 第四方物流是一个供应链集成商,调集和管理组织自己及具有互补性服务提供的资源、能力和技术,以提供一个综合的供应链解决方案。 第四方物流不仅控制和管理特定的物流服务,而且对整个物流过程提出方案,并通过电子商务将这个程序集成起来,因此第四方物流商的种类很多,变化程度亦可以十分大。 第四方物流的关键在于为顾客提供最佳的增值服务,即迅速、高效、低成本和个性化服务等。而发展第四方物流需平衡第三方物流的能力、技术及贸易流畅管理等,但亦能扩大本身营运的自主性。 第四方物流还包括以下四个特点:供应链再建、功能转化、业务流程再造、开展多功能多流程的供应链管理。 第四方物流为客户带来的效益包括利润增长和降低营运成本,即通过整条供应链外判功能得到提高运作效率、降低采购成本,使流程一体化从而达到目的。
第1个回答  2011-01-06
What about the part played by the homemaker who aids in the movement of goods by bagging her own groceries, or by retrieving her family's dinner from a "take-out" establishment, thereby facilitating the transfer of goods to the point of consumption? At the very least, a household assists commercial firms in the distribution of products and services.More typically, a household provides its own distinct, autonomous logistics system. The consumer logistics system engages in such diverse logistics activities as storing foods in containers for future use, dehydrating foods to reduce bulk, and packaging Christmas gifts to be shipped to relatives. At its most productive level, the consumer logistics system performs the complete range of logistical activities performed by a business logistics system.
To encompass the entire field of operations, an effective conceptual framework will draw contributions from scholarly work in a number of related fields. We now present several examples of how this may be done. First, work by management scientists has created a wide variety of decision aids for managers in industrial logistics. While these quantitative models are not directly transferable to decision making in CL, they indicate the direction that consumer decision models may take when they are developed. Second, behavioral considerations from consumer research can help describe some aspects of the CL system and provide scholars with the context within which decisions are made. Third, contributions from economics can help structure the decision-making environment. Fourth, concepts from management can show the organizational nature of the CL system and suggest means for planning and directing its operation.
Finally, fields other than business-related disciplines can make their contribution to the study of consumer logistics. Mathematics provides the tools for models of the structure of the CL system and its process Home economics portrays the household as an organization whose operation can be improved by the formalization of its decisionmaking Sociology can contribute to our understanding of the structure of the relationships among household members, and cultural anthropology can explain the different approaches to consumer participation in distribution that are taken by the various subcultures of the nation.
家庭作坊对于他们自己制作的货物使用自己的运输袋运输或者他们的家庭晚餐通过外卖而得到是什么样的呢?从而运输导致货物的消耗量增加了吗? 至少,一个家庭有助于商业公司在货物的分发和服务。更加典型的是,一个家庭在自己的区域是一个独立自主的物流运输系统。消费者物流系统激发了不同的运输活动就像存放食物在容器为未来使用,减少大块脱水食品和对亲戚传递圣诞节包装礼物。 在最有效的水平,消费者物流系统通过执行商业物流系统来完成大范围的运输活动。

