求翻译英文读物中的几段, 请一定帮帮忙啊,实在太难了!谢谢了!(最好不要电脑翻译哦)

Wallace didn’t drop into Darwin’s life quite as unexpectedly as is sometimes suggested. The two were already corresponding, and Wallace had more than once generously sent Darwin specimens that he thought might be of interest. In the process of these exchanges Darwin had discreetly warned Wallace that he regarded the subject of species creation as his own territory. “This summer will make the 20th year (!) since I opened my first note-book, on the question of how & in what way do species & varieties differ from each other,” he had written to Wallace some time earlier. “I am now preparing my work for publication,” he added, even though he wasn’t really.
In any case, Wallace failed to grasp what Darwin was trying to tell him, and of course he could have no idea that his own theory was so nearly identical to one that Darwin had been evolving, as it were, for two decades.
Darwin was placed in an agonizing quandary. If he rushed into print to preserve his priority, he would be taking advantage of an innocent tip-off from a distant admirer. But if he stepped aside, as gentlemanly conduct arguably required, he would lose credit for a theory that he had independently propounded. Wallace’s theory was, by Wallace’s own admission, the result of a flash of insight; Darwin’s was the product of years of careful, plodding, methodical thought. It was all crushingly unfair.
To compound his misery, Darwin’s youngest son, also named Charles, had contracted scarlet fever and was critically ill. At the height of the crisis, on June 28, the child died. Despite the distraction of his son’s illness, Darwin found time to dash off letters to his friends Charles Lyell and Joseph Hooker, offering to step aside but noting that to do so would mean that all his work, “whatever it may amount to, will be smashed.” Lyell and Hooker came up with the compromise solution of presenting a summary of Darwin’s and Wallace’s ideas together. The venue they settled on was a meeting of the Linnaean Society, which at the time was struggling to find its way back into fashion as a seat of scientific eminence. On July 1, 1858, Darwin’s
and Wallace’s theory was unveiled to the world. Darwin himself was not present. On the day of the meeting, he and his wife were burying their son.

相当意外的是,华莱士并没有像建议的那样就我那全认同了达尔文的生命理论。两人已有了一定的交流,华莱士不止一次慷慨地赠送给达尔文一些他认为达尔文可能会感兴趣的标本。在这些交流中达尔文曾谨慎地警告他说,在与华莱士的交流过程中,他认为他自己的领土内的品种更具有创新的主题的弊端。在更早之前他写给华莱士的信中就提到过: “今年夏天将产生20年的成果,因为我解开了物种之间是怎样、以何种方式区别开来的这一奥秘。”并且在还没有实现的时候就补充说到: “我现在准备我的出版工作。”在这种情况下,华莱士没有抓住达尔文想告诉他的东西,他当然不知道,他自己的理论是一个与达尔文的理论是几乎相同的。因此,达尔文发明了进化了,因为它是二十年的成果。
第1个回答  2011-02-10
华莱士没有相当意外的是,有时作为达尔文的生命。两人已相应,华莱士不止一次慷慨地送他认为达尔文标本可能会感兴趣。在这些达尔文曾谨慎地警告说,华莱士的交流过程中,他认为他自己的领土内的品种创新的主题。 “今年夏天将在20年(!),因为我打开了如何和以什么方式做种及品种各不相同,怀疑我的第一个音符簿“,他已写信给华莱士一些时间更早。 “我现在准备我的出版工作,“他补充说,尽管他是不是真的。