初一英语日记.初一水平 1. 尽量别有新词 2.要有60词 3.带中文翻译4 .切合实际5 要是一天中发生的最有意义


The most meaningful day

Today is my first day of holiday, i'm so excited! i wake up early and went to the park to walk the dog. there wasn't much people at that time. i could breathe fresh air and feel the sun, today is a good weather! when i returned home and had my breakfast, i decided to sit down and read my favorite book. i enjoy reading books in my study room quietly by myself, there will be no disturbance. when i entered my book world, i can feel an overwhelming energy and knowledges filling in my soul, this is the point! in fact, having a meaningful day doesn't need to do so many exciting things and special activities to reach, i can simply fulfill myself just by doing one meaningful thing, and for me, that is reading my favorite books.
when night arrives, i take off my glasses and i let myself lie down in the bath tube, it was a relief after all the hard working!

今天是我暑假的第一天,我真的很兴奋! 今天我起得很早,之后就带着我得狗去公园散步。 在那个时间真的没有很多人。我能清晰地感觉到温暖的太阳光依稀地照射在我身上,今天天气真好啊!回到家吃过早饭之后我决定安安静静地坐在自己的书房里看书。我对于看书这种事是非常之享受的,在那个时间无人可以打扰。当我进入书的世界,我能感到一股不可抗拒的能量与知识充实着我的灵魂,这,就是关键。其实对于我来说,拥有有意义的一天不一定要去做多种多样的活动来达到目的,我完全可以简简单单地读一本喜爱的书让自己充实起来。
第1个回答  2011-02-10
Yesterday is the Spring Festival.This year is a Rabiit Year。My father and mother took me to my grandparents' home.I said "Happy new year" to them .They were very glad.They gave me pocket money.I thanked them very much.I want to buy some new books.My father and mother cooked .They were dilicious.After the meal we went out to see the lamps toghter.We had a good time.自己翻译吧,应该没问题。
第2个回答  2011-02-10


第3个回答  2011-02-17
Today was New Year's Day, every day, every family is very lively, a Chinese New Year every family to eat a very fatty foods, each meal should be placed before the whip, burn incense to the God of Wealth and hopes to make a fortune, a children are up early to wear new clothes to go to the elders to pay, hoping to get older, the red envelope, Chinese New Year, and full of gaiety, today I am feeling very good.
第4个回答  2011-02-20
第5个回答  2011-02-11
还有没 我是白痴 我要最简单的 60词 带翻译 急死了