完成句子。 1.我饿了,也需要吃点东西 I'm hungry now. Maybe i ( )。 2.她感冒了,得吃点药。

She has a cold ,and she( ).
I ( )ask( )because i don't know( ).

1(need to eat something)
2(should take some medicine)
3(need) ( teacher Wu for some advice) (to balance with study and hobby)
第1个回答  2011-02-22
I'm hungry now. Maybe i ( need some food ).

She has a cold ,and she( needs to take pills ).

I ( need to )ask( Mr. Wu for advice )because i don't know( how to balance study and hobbies ).
第2个回答  2011-02-22
She has a cold ,and she needs take some medicine
I'm hungry now. Maybe i need some food too
I need ask teacher Wu, because i don't know how can i balanced both of my studies and the Hobbies.
第3个回答  2011-02-22
1.need some food
2. needs take some medicines
3. need to ask Mr. Wu(Miss Wu)for some advice, how to balance between studying and hobbies
第4个回答  2011-02-22
1.aslo\still need to eat something.
2.must take some medicine
3.need to Mr wu how to achieve a balance between study and hobby