

大年三十,我们就来到了姥姥家。在客厅里玩了一会儿,我老舅也在那里。我们收到了几个红包,孩子们不停地吵着要放鞭炮。恰好我们 also bought some fireworks over. My mom told me, "Go and play with them, and let your sisters, brothers, and sister play with you." I was excited and said, "Okay!" In fact, I was happier than them.
We quickly went to the entrance of the building, eager to open the box containing the fireworks. There were so many types of fireworks! There were: sky rockets, bombers, ground mice, parachutes; the most common matchsticks and throwing bombs were also there, as well as a variety of fireworks.
My older brother and sister asked me to light some incense, so I wouldn't get burned when using matches. After everything was ready, we could start setting off the fireworks."What should we start with?" I was thinking when suddenly, my younger sister said, "Let's start with the parachute."
I placed the "parachute" on the ground and lit the fuse, then stepped back. The "parachute" whooshed up into the air and burst with a pop.
I couldn't help but think: although its "life" is very short, it has also contributed to people and brought them happiness and joy!
In this way, under the dark night, we held our fireworks and walked, jumped, and played happily.