

Do you have a good time at the Party last night?


你    you

玩    play; have fun; amuse onesel ...

得    need

开心    feel happy; rejoice; joyful; ...

吗    what

祝你玩得开心    enjoy yourself

玩得开心    enjoy; have a ball; have a good / great time; have a good time; have a greattime; have fun with; having your fun

过得愉快,玩得开心    have a good time

享受乐趣,玩得开心?    have fun

玩得开心 , 度过一段美好的时间    have a great time

玩的开心吗    didja have a good time

祝你玩得愉快    good. have a nice day

玩得很开心    get a big kick

玩得非常开心    have a ball

我玩得很开心    i'm having fun; i’m haveing fun ; the view is great i really enjoyed


我们在娱乐场确实玩得很开心    we really enjoyed ourselves at th funfair

开心    1.(快乐; 舒畅) feel happy; rejoice; joyful; be delighted; have a grand time 他开心极了。 his joy was immense. 孩子们开心地围着他跳舞。 the children dance round him in delight2.(戏弄别人) amuse oneself at sb.'s expense; make fun of sb.; play a joke on sb

吃得开    be popular; get along all right; be much sought after 海伦长得那么漂亮, 又那么吃得开 , 所有的男孩子都听她的使唤。 helen is so pretty and popular that all the boys eat out of her hands

想得开    try to look on the bright side of things; not take to heart; take philosophically 这老太太最想得开了。 the old lady always looks at the bright side of things

玩得疯    wonderful

你担心吗    are you worried

你玩游戏    you play games, i play tricks

陪你玩游戏    gl; starsgame

同你玩妒忌    envy

由你玩世界    university
