求泰国电影《YES OR NO》英文简介,最好加点感想神马的(英语课上演讲用)

求泰国电影《YES OR NO》英文简介,最好加点感想神马的(英语课上演讲用),尽量多一点,谢谢啦~

  About the two most like to play "yes" or "no" game girls PIE and the romantic love story KIM.
  Two bedroom, PIE arrangements for heaven to live with her "tomboy KIM" very exclusive, from the first day of KIM was admitted to the bedroom, not only beatings and designated "Chu opposing powers" constituency, will be used in the bedroom cordon into two. KIM not allowed into her world a single cent. Although every possible way to please KIM, PIE still can not change the question to her homosexuality. PIE is also a result of living for the study had to carefully KIM.
  Boyfriend to the school to see PIE PIE, see KIM inadvertently follow the unwavering vision of the PIE, to understand everything. At a time when KIM, has gradually fallen into deep thinking on their own feelings
  Exclusion colleagues love the PIE bit by bit along with the KIM, KIM is gradually being moved from exclusion, to friendship, and finally slowly getting two people fell in love with KIM ······ no longer timid, brave face of its own feelings, however, in the face of their, as well as a series of thorny issues parents, society, PIE's old love, and the enchanting beauty of the third party. They will be brave enough to hand, come last?
第1个回答  2011-02-23
两个人的寝室,PIE对于上天安排和她住在一起的“男人婆KIM”相当排斥,自KIM住进寝室的第一天,不仅拳脚相向,并且划定“楚河汉界”,将寝室用警戒线一分为二。不许KIM踏入她的世界一分一毫。尽管KIM百般讨好,依旧改变不了PIE 对她同性恋身份的质疑。PIE的生活作习也因KIM而不得不小心翼翼。
排斥同人恋的PIE在与KIM的点滴相处中,却渐渐被KIM感动,由排斥,到友好,最后慢慢爱上KIM······ 两个人渐渐不再胆怯,勇敢面对了自己的感情,然而,面对她们的,还有一系列的棘手问题······父母,社会,PIE的旧爱,以及美丽妖娆的第三者。她们会勇敢地牵手,走到最后吗?

第2个回答  2011-02-20