

相关例句:You grind the onion and the raw cranberries together。你把洋葱和新鲜越橘一起磨碎。
相关例句:把洋葱与生姜放入烤箱中烤30分钟。Put the onions and ginger in the oven and let them roast for thirty minutes。
第1个回答  2022-07-18




  网 络onion;Onions;Allium cepa;Yangpa



  I especially dislike onions.


  Onion does not agree with me.


  The smell of onions clings, doesn't it?


  He sat by the fire, devouring beef and onions.


  Onions and lilies grow from bulbs.


  I don't like the flavour of onion.


  Add the minced oniononion powder and garlic powder.


  She browned onions before adding them to the stew.


  Cut the onion in half through the root.

  Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned. 将洋葱放入平底锅内,炒至略呈棕色。

  Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones. 小块腌洋葱可用来替代切片洋葱。

  Fry for about 4 minutes, until the onion has softened. 煎4分钟左右,直到洋葱变软。

  Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning. 把肉和洋葱、胡萝卜及一些佐料搅拌在一起。

  Add the onion and cook gently for about 5 minutes. 把洋葱加进去,用文火煮大约5分钟。

  Peel the onion and cut it in half lengthwise. 剥掉洋葱皮并把它纵向切成两半。

  Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree. 洋葱可以煮一下打成糊。

  His onions cost 9p a lb wholesale; packing and transport costs 10p. 他的洋葱批发价每磅9便士;打包送货的话要10便士。

  When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion. 油热了后,放入切好的洋葱。

  Pour a kettle of boiling water over the onions. 在洋葱上倒一壶开水。

  Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish. 把洋葱片铺在盘底。

  Start by caramelizing some onions. 先将一些洋葱外面炒上焦糖。

  I always grow a few red onions. 我总是喜欢种一些红洋葱。

  I sliced up an onion. 我把一个洋葱切了片。

  Will you chop an onion up for me? 你能帮我把一个洋葱切碎吗?

  The place stinks of fried onions. 这个地方有股煎洋葱的刺鼻气味。

  Peel and thinly slice the onion. 剥掉洋葱皮,然后切成薄片。

  Cut the onion into paper-thin slices. 把洋葱切成极薄的薄片。

  Dice the onion. 把洋葱切成丁。

  Fry the onions in butter. 用黄油炒洋葱。


  Onions make you cry, add flavor to food and are touted for their medicinal benefits. Now the vegetable has another use — powering up green energy.


  A new system debuts that converts onion juice into electricity at Gills Onions, the largest fresh onion processor in the United States.

  美国最大的洋葱加工商Gills Onions推出了一个新的发电系统,可以将洋葱汁 转换为电能。

  据悉,这种用洋葱发电的新系统有望每年为该公司节省70万美元的电费,还可 为公司减少高达3万吨的温室气体排放。

  The Oxnard, California — based company expects its new onion — fueled power to reduce its electric bill by $700,000 a year and cut its annual greenhouse1 gas emlssims2 by up to 30,000 tons.

  不得不说,既经济,又环保,这个绿色能源的 故事 结局很圆满。但是谁能想到, 这一想法最初却源于如何处理洋葱废料这个令人头痛的问题。

  The happy ending to this green energy tale, however, started with another question: how to get rid of onion waste.

  史蒂文?吉尔,这家已创立25年之久的公司的合伙人说:“当我们要食用一个洋 葱时,我们首先要去掉它的头、尾,以及剥离外表的皮层,这样我们才能得到洋葱的 果肉;而在此期间洋葱已产生了 35% ~ 40%的废料。

  "When we peel an onion, 35 to 40 percent of the onion comes off before we have a usable onion. That’s the top, tail and skin around the onion before you get to the meat,” said Steven Gill, co-owner of the 25-year-old company.

  他们通常是把这些废料拉到野外作为肥料,但是这也是个问题。10年前,吉尔 就开始尝试利用科技来解决这一问题,这当中就包括微型燃气轮机的设ih

  They used to haul the waste to the fields for compostion, but that became a problem. Ten years ago, Gill started looking at technology for a solution, including microturbines.

  “We ended up shredding4 the skins as they come out of the plant and extracting all the juice, which is very high in sugars, and bacteria love that stuff,,, Gill said.

  “当洋葱皮被剥离之后,我们就将其粉碎,然后在其中提取汁液。但这种洋葱汁 含糖量极高,很容易滋生细菌。“吉尔狮。

  In the new system, bacteria produce methane5 gas from the juice. The gas then goes to two 300 kilowatt fuel cells, creating enough power for 460 homes. The company expects to get 35 to 40 percent of its electricity from the on-site generator.

  而在新系统中,这些细菌可以通过洋葱汁产生甲烷,然后这些气体通过两块 300千瓦的燃料电池,其产生的电量足够460户居民的日常用电。该绿色发电系统有 望承担该公司35% ~ 40%的用电量。


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