

1、Yes, you've got it. 是的,你懂了。 

2、You've got the idea. 你说对了。

3、(That's) very/pretty good! 好极了! 

4、That's perfectly correct. 完全正确。

5、 It's a fabulous answer! 答得很巧妙!

6、That's the right answer. 这就是正确答案。 

7、That was the exact answer 回答完全正确。 

8、You are absolutely right. 你们完全正确。

9、You've got everything right. 你们都答对了。

10、Now you've figured it out. 现在你们解答出来了。 

11、You've understood it well. 你们理解得很好。

12、Perfect. Not a single word is wrong. 很完美。一字不差。 

13、What you said is very interesting. 你说得很有趣。

15、 That's a very good point. 这一点提得很好。


17、You made a very goodjob of that. 你干得非常出色。

18、There's nothing wrong with your answer.你的答案一点都没错。 

19、What you said was perfectly all right. 你说的完全正确。
