
Complete the sentences with a passive construction, using the verbs griven and in the form suggested, and adding a suitable preposition.

1) was discovered at
2) being treated in
3) won't be known in
4) will be equipped with
5) has been done on / in / into ( do research in/on/into...对......进行研究)
6) had been built at
7) to be left in
8) be kept out
9) be switched off at
10) had been bitten by
本题要求用所给动词的被动结构 ,按照所建议的形式完成句子,并且后面还要添加一个适当的介词。
第1个回答  2016-05-11

     was discovered at(被动语态的一般过去时)(介词说明 at the end of 在...末尾)

    being treated by(被动语态的动名词形式)(介词说明by that way用那种方式)

    will be known in(被动语态的一般将来时)(介词说明 in two months 在两月后--用于一般将来时的时间状语)

    will be equipped with(同上)(介词说明 be equipped with safety belts被装备上安全带)

    has been done into(被动语态的现在完成时) (介词说明 into表示进入...状态)

    had been built at(被动语态的过去完成时)(介词说明 at the end of 固定搭配)

    to be left in (含被动语态的不定式)(介词说明 in peace平安地--固定搭配)

    be kept out(情态动词通常用不带to的不定式)(介词说明keep out of 置身于...之外--固定搭配)

    be  switched off by(同上)(介词说明 by 11 截止到11点)

    had been bitten by(被动语态的过去完成时)(介词说明by--被动语态表示“被”的介词,be bitten by a snake被一条蛇咬)


第2个回答  2016-05-10
America was discovered at the end of fifteenth centry.
I'm not accustomed to being treated in that way.
will not be known in
will be equipped with
has been done on
had been built at
to leave in
be kept out
be switched off after
was bit by
第3个回答  2016-05-10

    America was discovered in the end of the 15th century.

    I'm not accustomed to treating in that way.

    The results of the examination will not know following two months.

    All new modles of this car will be equipped by safety belts.

    have found

    had been built during

    to leave


    to switch off on

    had been bitten by
