
翻译作品,忠实当然是一项指导原则;但绝对忠实实乃不可能之事,任何翻译都会与原文存在着一些差距,尤其是诗词的翻译。这是由多方面的原因造成的:一)、source language与target language本身的差异。各种语言都有很大的差异性,包括语音、拼写、语法等方面,不过这些还不是最重要的影响因素。其中的有力杀手是语言方式、习惯的不同,包括用词不同、比喻不同、联想不同等等。由于这些不同,使翻译时很难,有时甚至根本不可能原文信息所表达的内容、思想、感情完全地、毫厘不差地移植到译文信息中去。所以原文与译文不可能完全一样。

....那个"fox"这个词可以是动词~根据Merriam Webster(韦氏词典),fox(verb)有to trick or fool欺骗或愚弄 (someone)及to confuse迷惑 (someone),形容词foxy也有"狡(cunningly shrewd)"的意思,因此,"fox"不存在文化差引起的信息接收产生偏差...换个例子吧~

Faithful is a prime directive principle in translation works; But absolutely faithful is a mission impossible. Every translation can create slight disparities from the original texts. This is particularly true to poetry translation works. This kind of discrepancies is generated by various reasons:

1) The language differences between the source language and the target language
Every language has its uniqueness. This include different pronounciation, grammar structure, spellings and so on. Among all of these differences, the different ways or habit of language usage is the major pitfalls for translations. The disparities in vocabulary usage, metaphors and associations create the greatest obstacles to great translation works. As a result, the context, thoughts and emotions that are embedded in the source materials cannot be fully, completely conveyed in the target languages. Thus, no translation can be exactly the same with the original works.

2) Cultural background differences

3) The personality differences among various ethnic groups
Each ethnic group has traditions and norms of their own. This traditional differences produce different mind sets. In most western culture, their writing styles are more straightforward, frank and have less detours. This is likely to be connected to their open-minded personality. In contrast, Chinese are more clung to a delicate, euphemistic writing style where readers can hardly know the purpose of the works. Therefore, it is not easy to fuse or combine these two characteristics.