

表示能够延续的动作。如:study, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。
表示时间段的短语有:for+ 时间,for 2 years; since从句,since he came here; since+时间点名词,since last year, since 5 days ago; how long; for a long time等。
例:He has lived here for 6 years. You can keep the book for 5 days. I stayed there for 2 weeks last year. How long did you stay there last year?
短暂性动词可通过短语进行转换,比如touch是个短暂性动词,be in touch with 是连续的了



在我看来 dissappint、offend等和延续、非延续状态貌似没有关系,应该不是所有单词都属于延续和非延续两种动词吧 它属于及物动词是无疑的,至于延续性我搞不太准,不敢误人子弟

第1个回答  2014-07-30
1.she must has passed the driving test ,for she looks happy。(由于她看上去很高兴,她一定是通过驾驶考试了)为什么不是 drive 而是 driving?
答案解析:driving 是动名词做定语修饰后面的名词,驾驶考试,所以需要driving
2.she admitted (to)having done wrong (她承认她做错了)为什么又有ing又有过去分词?是关于不定式的语法吗?
答案解析:admit to doing sth 后面to 是介词标志, 根据动作发生在谓语之前,因此需要动名词完成形式,也就是having done ,同时前面介to 后面现在完成也需要变为having
3.i don't like to hear children swearing (我不喜欢听孩子门发誓)为什么swear要加ing?
答案解析:上面句子结构,hear Sb doing sth , 听见某人正在说某时,现在分词doing 做宾语补足语用法
4.he usually can come up with good ideas in time of difficulty(在通常在困难的时候都会想到一个好主意/想法)he不是三单吗,为什么come不加s?
答案解析:因为句子谓语由:情态度动词+(不带to 动词不定式;也就是动词原形)所以come不能后不能加s
5.note how i do it (注意 我是怎么做这个事情的)祈使句为什么不是noting?

6.he ran rather than walked (他宁可跑也不走路)ran为什么不加s?

答案解析:He ran rather than walked , 都是用一般过去式,保持时态一致,

ran 是 run 过去式形式

第2个回答  2014-07-30
1.she must has passed the driving test ,for she looks happy。(由于她看上去很高兴,她一定是通过驾驶考试了)为什么不是 drive 而是 driving?
答案解析:driving 是动名词做定语修饰后面的名词,驾驶考试,所以需要driving
2.she admitted (to)having done wrong (她承认她做错了)为什么又有ing又有过去分词?是关于不定式的语法吗?
答案解析:admit to doing sth 后面to 是介词标志, 根据动作发生在谓语之前,因此需要动名词完成形式,也就是having done ,同时前面介to 后面现在完成也需要变为having
3.i don't like to hear children swearing (我不喜欢听孩子门发誓)为什么swear要加ing?
答案解析:上面句子结构,hear Sb doing sth , 听见某人正在说某时,现在分词doing 做宾语补足语用法
4.he usually can come up with good ideas in time of difficulty(在通常在困难的时候都会想到一个好主意/想法)he不是三单吗,为什么come不加s?
答案解析:因为句子谓语由:情态度动词+(不带to 动词不定式;也就是动词原形)所以come不能后不能加s
5.note how i do it (注意 我是怎么做这个事情的)祈使句为什么不是noting?

6.he ran rather than walked (他宁可跑也不走路)ran为什么不加s?

答案解析:He ran rather than walked , 都是用一般过去式,保持时态一致,

ran 是 run 过去式形式
