
请根据下面的中文提示,写一篇七十词左右的短文。 上周,吉姆生病住院,我们去看他,他很高兴。他说他在那儿已经呆了两天,他对这个月月底的考试感到紧张。因为他很多课都没上,糟糕的天气也对他的情绪产生影响。我们叫他别紧张,我们可以轮流帮他学习功课,我们也会带着CD来让他听音乐。他非常高兴。 就这样。阿谢谢。到二十六号回答出来就可以。

上文中He is afraid of the test at the end of the month这句中的IS改为WAS就好了We also brought him CD. We let him listen to the music. 改为WE also brought him CD to listen to music 避免重复哈
第1个回答  2015-04-18
Last week Jim was in hospital . We went to see him, he was very happy. He said he stayed there two days. He is afraid of the test at the end of the month,because he had no lessons any days. The bad weather made him very sad. We said to him not to frighten. We can take our turns to help him with his lesson .We also brought him CD. We let him listen to the music. He was very happy