完成句子,为什么用 so as to be received in time,考的是什么知识点,要详细解答

All the food and clothes must be sent immediately ________________ ( 以便及时收到) by the people there. (so receive )


1. so as to do sth是不定式短语做句子的目的状语,意思是“为了/以便于做某事”。
2. 该不定式to be received by...的逻辑主语即句子的主语all the food and clothes,它们之间明显为被动关系,即“所有的食物和衣服”是“被收到”的,所以必须使用不定式的被动结构to be done.
固定短语in time,意思是“及时”,做状语。
3. 所以正确答案为to be received in time,当然也可以用in order to be received in time或to be received in time.


第1个回答  2011-05-10
so that they can be received
第2个回答  2011-05-10
1,so as to 以便 用法
2,be received 被收到。 被动语态。 因为 食物和衣服是被收到的,所以用被动。这里考不定式的被动语态。 to be done