求高手帮忙把中文简历翻译成英文简历,谢绝网上在线翻译, 高分求急用,非常感谢!

姓名  ** 性别  女
生日  1983.7 身高  165cm
籍贯  江苏无锡 民族  汉
学历  本科 专业  行政管理
地址  江苏省无锡市南站镇风雷村宋巷18号
2007年2月-2010年12月 江苏广播电视大学 本科 行政管理
现已获得 行政管理学 学士学位,对于行政管理有较强的专业知识及系统、规范化的理念。

工作经验 2009年8月-2011年4月 江苏金洋房地产开发有限公司 销售行政专员

2007年3月-2009年6月 瓦尔特(无锡)有限公司 SC

2003年12月-2006年9月 中博艺工贸有限公司 销售主管
6、根据公司部署, 组织所辖专柜商品,道具的进销存账务管理及盘点工作;
自我评价 超过5年销售管理类工作经验,2年外资企业客户管理从业经验,2年房地产企业运营管理、营销管理工作经验。具备专业化的管理知识及理念,行业数据的分析调研能力,熟练的PPT制作、EXCEL数据统计分析能力,良好的文字组织及沟通协调能力。诚实可靠,品行端正,团队协作能力佳,有较强责任心。
获得证书 驾驶证C照

第1个回答  2011-05-11
Name * * sex female
165cm birthday 1983.7 height
Native ethnic han in wuxi city, jiangsu province
Education undergraduate administrative management
Address the village in wuxi city, jiangsu province south song lane 18 banker
February 2007 - December 2010 jiangsu radio and television university administrative management
We have received a bachelor's degree in political science, for administrative management has the strong professional knowledge and system and standardization of the concept.

Working experience in August 2009 - April 2011 in jiangsu JinYang real estate development Co., LTD. Sales administration commissioner
Assist manager to strengthen the internal management of the project, project implementation of internal work tracking, result feedback superior; Internal personnel to project supervision and management and establishing incentive system, and assist manager in the department employees of performance assessment; Summary, statistic and analysis of various data, regular business with manager sales effort, the statistics and data such as work schedule; Coordinate between departments and project internal each work, to improve work efficiency, with sales schedule.

In March 2007 - June 2009, walter (wuxi) Co., LTD. SC
Establishing a market information system and complete customer files, client needs analysis, order and urge, processing, coordination, customer file management, classification, customer relationship management, attend customer credit rating.

December 2003 - September 2006 ZhongBo arts industry &trade Co., LTD sales manager
1, responsible area development and sales target the shop of achieving sales organization and the supervisory work;
2, responsible for store sales personnel management of ark of. Sales personnel (including organized by a long and gentlemen) of ark of sales training meetings, setting up reasonable working table, according to guide managememt company policy and local actual, reasonable evaluation of performance; guide
Three, responsible and each department store of trade negotiations, ensure the company brand in local obtain good shop position, the business area and trade terms, responsible for the stores to maintain the relationship;
4, according to weekly work plans to visit all the region had jurisdiction shall be responsible for guiding shop counters, such as the products on display terminal image work;
5, is responsible for organizing the timely collect all kinds of sales reports, assist accountant do the work; check data
6, according to the company, the organization that belong to deploy counters merchandise, props enters sells saves; and inventory accounts management
7, responsible for collecting various sales and competitive brand information and formulate the corresponding countermeasure;
8, to be responsible for the sales staff recruitment, and jurisdiction of training management;
9, is responsible for organizing the regional move ark, withdrawn, into the ark, tried, sales, coordination department merchandise, props reasonable in place;
10, according to the headquarters of required work statements issued by superior according to the requirement of other temporary task;
11, responsible for the stores accounts settlement work, timely solve extended accounts receivable problem. Effective control office expenses.
Self-evaluation, more than 5 years sales management working experience, 2 years of foreign capital enterprise customer management experience, 2 years of real estate enterprise operation management, marketing management experience. Have the professional management knowledge and ideas, industry data analysis and investigation of ability, skilled PPT production, EXCEL statistics analysis ability, good text organization and communication capabilities. Honest and reliable, decency, team cooperation ability is good, strong responsibility.
Obtain the certificate according to license C
第2个回答  2011-05-15