

There is a kind of creature which is always being an awkward position in the history ,they are not human beings nor gods,actually they are vampires. It seems like that people only have some impressions about theirs pale and icy skins ,murdering and bloodthirsty habits as well as immortal bodies according to some films and fictions. However,they also have the extremly rapid speed and exceedingly powerful recovery capability. It is said that things like garlics and wooden crosses could kill vampires ,but no evidence could be supplied to prove this. The only thing makes pople could be convinced is that werewolves are natural enemies of vampirs, once be bitted by them,vampires wolud be died. There also some films and teleplays about vampires such as Bram Stoker's Dracula (吸血僵尸惊情四百年),Interview with the Vampire and Van Helsing. I highly recommend to you if you are interested.

第1个回答  2011-05-02
There is a biological, they are not human, more is not god, is an embarrassment in history in the position. They are a vampire. We from movies or books on vampire is limited to just know like cold skin, kill pale bloodlust, never destroy. However they also has great speed and strong restore ability. Some novels have garlic wooden cross can kill vampires, but that ancient Rome. The only convincing is a werewolf is the enemy of vampire bite by their vampire will die. Relevant vampire movies and TV series and surprised feeling four hundred years, the night visit prequel etc. Vampire, Interested can see.
第2个回答  2011-05-02
There is a kind of living creature, they aren't mankind, not also absolute being, be placed in a very and embarrassed position in history.They are blood-sucking vampires.We seem to understand of the blood-sucking vampire from the movie or the book the skin that is limited by pale iciness kill people to love blood just only, always a life time immortalization.However they still have the quickest speed and the strongest instauration ability.There is the parlance that the garlic wood cross can kill blood-sucking vampire in some novels, but have no from fashionable.Is unique to let people what letter take is a werewolf is the natural enemy of blood-sucking vampire, be given a bite blood-sucking vampire by them and then will die.The movie concerning blood-sucking vampire and television drama still have surprised feeling 400 years, the night visits blood-sucking vampire, Fan Hai Xin etc.
第3个回答  2011-05-02
There's a living thing who has been in an extremely awkward position.It's neither human beings nor god.It's the vampire.剩余的太长了…没时间也没水平啊!
第4个回答  2011-05-03
The vampire, a creature neither human being nor immortals, without fair judgement in history. From the movies and books, we knew they are not only fast with high regeneration, but also cold bloodied and eternal. some people belived that the corss or garlic would harm or even kill them, with some others belived that their nature enermy-wolfmen. as the legend goes, wolfmen and vampire were born to fight and vampire would be dead as one bite from wolfmen. Nowadays, with many movies and teleplay about vampire, you can know more about them if you are interesting.