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Singapore's fullThe Republic of Singapore(English:Republic of Singapore), formerlyChinese,Sin CheworSing Tao DailyDon't, is referred to as a & # x201c;SingapuraSouth - East Asia, is one of the island, in the political systemparliamentarisma republic.Singapore StraitJohore Straitbeing separated from them bySingapore's Straitsand Indonesia,adjacent toMalaccaNankou, in addition to the landSingaporeOutside, but also surrounding 数岛.[1]
In the 14th century, belonging to SingaporeParameswaraEstablishment ofMalacca to the sultan..In the early 19th century by British colonial Yugoslav.On 15 February 1942, Singapore is the aggression of theJapaneseOccupation.In 1965, Singapore became independent.[1]
Singapore is amulticulturalCountry of immigrants, the promotion of racial harmony is the core of government policy, institutional stability to Singapore, clean and efficient government, is one of the world's most international countries.[1]
Singapore is Asia'sDeveloped CountriesIt is said to be "Asian Tigers"- where the economy mode is referred to as a & # x2018;state capitalism".According to the 2014The Global Financial Centres Index(GFCI) ranked Singapore as the followingNew York, London, Hong Kong's fourth largestinternational financial centre,[2] Asia is also importantserviceAnd shipping centers.[3] Singapore isAssociation of Southeast Asian Nationsmembers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as well as being one of theWorld Trade Organization(WTO),Commonwealthin the Commonwealth) andAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) member economies.

the names of the
Singapore is acity countryTroll,Singapura.In the 14th century,Sumatra"of the Srivijaya kingdom of Prince Zi Dan" sailed to the island tour, saw the bank slapped a Nonesuch, locals informed the lion, which he considered a lucky omen, and decided to build this place.Singapore's Singapura "Sanskrit"Lion", an early resident of likes to use Old Indic to be a place name.And the Lion has a brave, heroic features, is usually used as a place name is the most natural thing in the world.In the past, Singapore has been using the "Chinese" as their early independent of Common Chinese names.................................................................... As the local Chinese dialect influence brought by the customary, early also appear that many of the derivatives of the name, e.g. ","石叻"," Le Port ", because of its small but will be called"Sin Chew","Sing Tao Daily".the outside world is also generally centers on the "Singapore" or "Singapura"Singapore is described.

Singapore's flagAka 星月旗, on 9 August 1965 officially became the flag of the Republic of Singapore.In 1959, at the time in SingaporeBritish EmpireRule consists of an autonomous government, 星月旗 subsequently became the official flag of the autonomous government in 1965, Singapore became independent, after it was chosen as the national flag.Singapore's flag of red, white and consists of two equal parallel rectangular, long and wide ratio is 3: 2, the upper left canton is a white crescent moon and five white five pointed stars.Red represents the equality and friendship, white symbolizes purity and virtue.Xinyue said Singapore is one of the newly established country, five stars represent the nation in five ideal:Democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.

National Emblem
Singapore's National Emblem由盾徽, lions, tigers etc.The red of the shield is embedded by a white crescent moon and the stars, its meaning and the same flag.The red shield on the left side is the lion, symbol of Singapore, Singapore "in Malay language means" Lion City"; on the right is a tiger, a symbol of Singapore and Malaysia's history.Hongdun and inferior to the golden palm branches, the bottom of the blue sash on the Malay are the words" Go forth, Singapore!"
第1个回答  推荐于2016-09-16
1.breif history
The earliest known mention of Singapore was a 3rd century Chinese account which described Singapore as "Pu-luo-chung" ("island at the end of a peninsula"). Little is known about the island's history at that time but this matter-of-fact description belies Singapore's colourful past.

By the 14th century, Singapore had become part of the mighty Sri Vijayan empire and was known as Temasek ("Sea Town"). Located at the natural meeting point of sea routes at the tip of the Malay Peninsula, Singapore had long known visits from a wide variety of sea craft, from Chinese junks, Indian vessels, Arab dhows and Portuguese battleships to Buginese schooners.

During the 11th century, this small but strategically-placed island had earned a new name - "Singa Pura" ("Lion City"). According to legend, a visiting Sri Vijayan prince saw an animal he mistook for a lion and Singapore's modern day name was born.

The British provided the next notable chapter in the Singapore story. During the 18th century, they saw the need for a strategic "halfway house" to refit, feed and protect the fleet of their growing empire, as well as to forestall any advances by the Dutch in the region.

It was against this political backdrop that Sir Stamford Raffles established Singapore as a trading station. The policy of free trade attracted merchants from all over Asia and from as far afield as the US and the Middle East.

By 1824, just five years after the founding of modern Singapore, the population had grown from a mere 150 to 10,000.

In 1832, Singapore became the centre of government for the Straits Settlements of Penang, Malacca and Singapore. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of telegraph and steamship increased Singapore's importance as a centre for the expanding trade between East and West.

Singapore had been the site of military action in the 14th century when it became embroiled in the struggle for the Malay Peninsula between Siam (now Thailand), and the Java-based Majapahit Empire.

Five centuries later, it was again the scene of significant fighting during World War II. Singapore was considered an impregnable fortress, but the Japanese overran the island in 1942. After the war, Singapore became a Crown Colony. The growth of nationalism led to self-government in 1959 and on 9 August 1965, Singapore became an independent republic

2.Singapore today

Singapore is made up of not just one island but a main island with 63 surrounding islets. The main island has a total land area of 682 square km.

However, its compact size belies its economic growth. In just 150 years, Singapore has grown into a thriving centre of commerce and industry. Its former role as an entrepot has diminished, as the nation has increased its manufacturing base.

Singapore is the busiest port in the world with over 600 shipping lines sending super tankers, container ships and passenger liners to share the busy waters with coastal fishing vessels and wooden lighters.

One of the world's major oil refining and distribution centres, Singapore is a major supplier of electronic components and a leader in shipbuilding and repairing. It has also become one of the most important financial centres of Asia, with more than 130 banks. Business dealings are facilitated by Singapore's superb communications network which links the nation to the rest of the world via satellite, 24-hour telegraph and telephone systems.

Singapore's strategic location, excellent facilities, fascinating cultural contrasts and tourist attractions contribute to its success as a leading destination for both business and pleasure.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2016-01-05
Singapore (i/ˈsɪŋɡəpɔr/), officially the Republic of Singapore, and often referred to as the Lion City, the Garden City, and the Red Dot, is aleading global city in Southeast Asia and the world's only island city-state. It lies one degree (137 km; 85 mi) north of the equator, at the southernmost tip of continental Asia and peninsular Malaysia, with Indonesia's Riau Islands to the south. Singapore's territory consists of the diamond-shaped main island and 62 islets. Since independence, extensive land reclamation has increased its total size by more than 20%, and itsgreening policy has covered the densely populated island with tropical flora, parks and gardens.
The islands were settled from the second century AD by a series of local empires. In 1819, Sir Stamford Raffles founded Singapore as a trading postof the East India Company; after the company collapsed, the islands were ceded to Britain and became part of its Straits Settlements in 1826. During World War II, Singapore was occupied by Japan. It became independent from Britain in 1963, by uniting with other former British territories to form Malaysia, but was expelled two years later over ideological differences. After early years of turbulence, and despite lacking natural resources and a hinterland, the nation developed rapidly as an Asian tiger economy, based on external trade and its human capital.
第3个回答  2007-05-13
Singapore is an island city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. It lies 137 kilometers (85 miles) north of the Equator, south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of Indonesia's Riau Islands. At 704.0 km², it is the smallest country in Southeast Asia.

The main island was a fishing village sparsely populated by indigenous Malays and Orang Lauts when it was colonized by the British East India Company in 1819. The British utilized its position as a tactical trading outpost along the spice route. Occupied by the Japanese Empire during World War II, it reverted to British rule in 1945 and was later part of the merger which established Malaysia in 1963. Two years later, it was expelled due to ideological differences with the UMNO ruling party.

Since gaining independence, Singapore has seen its standard of living rise dramatically. Foreign investment and government-led island-wide industrialization have created a modern economy based on electronics and manufacturing, featuring entrepôt and financial trade centering around the country's strategic location. The island-state has achieved Asian Tiger status after four decades of intense and open capitalist industrialization. In terms of GDP per capita, Singapore is the 17th wealthiest country in the world. The geographically small nation has a foreign reserve of S$212 billion (US$139 billion). In terms of quality of life, The Economist (2005) ranked Singapore highest in Asia and 11th in the world.

The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore established the city-state's political system as a representative democracy while the country has official United Nations' recognition as a parliamentary republic. The People's Action Party has won control of Parliament in every election since self-government in 1959.
第4个回答  2016-05-25