

1, effectively change the concept of development starting from the middle of the century, with the development of the environmental movement and the rise of the concept of sustainable development, economic growth as the core of the traditional concept of development by a worldwide challenge. Western scholars, to be more accurate and more comprehensive measure development should include at least human development, income changes, three major aspects of environmental sustainability. Plenary Session for the first time the Chinese Communist Party put forward the "establish a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development", which is the concept of economic and social development of a wake, is the traditional standard of a revolution in the development of GDP. Still underdeveloped in China, to make officials at all levels and all the people really change the concept of development is definitely a difficult process. But the face of growing global warming crisis, we must go through this process and make the process as short as possible.

2, vigorously develop recycling economy is the core of the economic cycle, "the three R principles", that is, reduction (reduce), re-use (reuse) and recycling (recycle), the specific approach is to minimize resource inputs and waste generation, as far as possible to extend the product The use of cycles, to achieve the production process emissions, waste and recycling of waste daily. Development of circular economy is to reduce and control greenhouse gas emissions, effective way to address climate warming. Recommended levels of government in the preparation of development plans, planning and implementation of construction projects, adjusting economic operation, etc., we must focus on whether to consider the requirements of circular economy. We call "the Circular Economy Law" in the early promulgation of the legal system by strengthening and promoting the development of circular economy. Also called for the development of circular economy to minimize the one-time energy use based on the development and utilization of new energy sources (mainly solar, wind and other clean energy), the energy not only to control greenhouse gas emissions, but also to ensure long-term sustainable development of available energy . The development of new energy needs of government policy to encourage and support the use of new energy sources need strong government policies to encourage and support all levels of government on this proposal to pour more energy.

3, guide all the people from my start, protection of their homes to cool the planet Earth is not an overnight thing, it is not just a matter of industrial economy, it is with everyone's lives, and more use of a piece of paper, and more will open an air-conditioning, multi- the first step on the accelerator, ... ..., with the "greenhouse effect" are closely linked. More than one person can begin to act, to start from scratch, with real actions to prevent further environmental deterioration, climate warming will increase to resolve the crisis in hopes of a points. Publicize and popularize the global climate change, Zhi Shi, promote civic protect the global environment and climate awareness and guide the public to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the establishment of the lifestyle and consumption patterns, is Zhengfu social management and public service functions of the important part is When the government is handling the matter.

4, in the environmental climate of global governance in further play the role of major powers in the current "Kyoto Protocol" under the framework of the Chinese do not take a mandatory duty, but as the world's largest developing country, the Chinese government has long recognized the crisis of climate warming complexity and the potential severe impact of greenhouse gas emissions for a long time to do a lot of positive efforts. As the National Development and Reform Commission Minister Ma Kai said, although China is not committed to quantified emissions reduction targets, but it does not mean we do not assume its due international obligations and responsibilities. China's actions highlight a responsible big country's image. As a private research staff, we urged the Chinese Government in Jinhouhuanjing international cooperation in climate Quanqiu governance, an area through multiple channels and multi-Guang Fan engagement, constant participation in environmental governance to improve the ability and level; second, Ji Xu from ourselves, and strive to of our due contribution; three strong urge developed countries to be bold to assume that they should bear the primary obligation to address climate change for developing countries to provide financial and technical support
第1个回答  2013-12-01
With the development of economy, more and more factories have been set up. More and more trees have been cut down so that more and more buildings can be built, because more and more babies are born. Many people don't pay attention to the environment, so the earth is getting warmer and warmer. As a result, the ice is always melting, even at the North Pole. So if it goes on like that, many cities along the coast will be covered by water. Many people will lose their homes. In order to stop this happening, we should stop cutting down trees, polluting rivers and lakes. Factoreis should make the smoke or water cleaned before pouring our into the sky or rivers and lakes. Then we, even our next generation can live a happy life.