
1,A, a computer major, needs help in finding a job. B suggests some tips about how to get a good job.
2,A and B are talking about the reasons for the warmer climate . Then discuss the ways to reduce global warming.

A: Hello, Julia. How's everything going with you?
B: Great! But I've been looking for a job these days, you know, I'm going to graduate this semester.
A: Oh, I see, so how's that going?
B: It's sort of frustrating. I don't know how to find a job, especially find a job that related to my major. I'm really a little bit afraid about my future.
A: Oh, don't worry, and take it easy. We've always come across the same problem. Your major is computer, isn't it?
B: Yeah, it is.
A: I think it's a good major and you've got lots of opportunities. I think you don't have to make your job relate with your major, that way you'll got more chances. Besides, you should talk to your career advisor, maybe she can help you and give you more precious advice.
B: Oh, thank you so much! Yours words are of great help.

A: Hi, Jim, long time no seen, what's up?
B: Not bad. I've been preparing for my final exams these days. So what about you?
A: I've taken part in a club, the Environmental Protection Club, and I've got a lot of things to be done.
B: Yeah, I've heard about it. You're preparing a debate about global warming. I think it's really interesting. If I have time, I bet I'll participate in the debate.
A: Yeah, you should join us, it's really of great fun. You not only improve your awareness of environment protection, but also enhance your eloquency. Our group is on the positive side, and we're busy preparing all the supportive facts as well as some convincing ideas against the negative side. Oh, sorry, I've got to go. We have a meeting in 10 minutes.
B: Sure, I hope your team would win the debate.
A: I really appreciate that, and I'll talk to you later. See you.
B: Bye!