
A:你下地干活吗? B:在我们村里,大多数妇女都跟男人一样下地干活。
A:你觉得在你们村里男女平等吗? B:我认为是平等的,不关是家里的事,还是村离的事,我们妇女都有说话的权利。
B:是的, 我认为是这样的。


A:你下地干活吗? Do you go to work in fileds?
B:在我们村里,大多数妇女都跟男人一样下地干活。Yes, most women go to work in fields as men do in my village
A:你觉得在你们村里男女平等吗?Do you think there is an equality of men and women in your cillage?
B:我认为是平等的,不关是家里的事,还是村里的事,我们妇女都有说话的权利。I think there it is. Our women have rights of speech of such affairs, which are not only about each one's family, but also about the village
C:同比过去,这是很大的变化,对吗?By Comparing with the past, do you think this is a great change?
B:是的, 我认为是这样的。Yes, i think so
C:在你们家,谁说了算?So who is in charge in your family?
B:在重大问题上,我常常和丈夫一起商量。I always discuss with my husband about those vital problems which we need to face at
A:我明白了。OK, i got that.

第1个回答  2010-12-23
A: You work in the fields it? B: In our village, as most women work in the fields related to men. A: Do you think gender equality in the village, do you? B: I think it is equal, things to do with the family or the village away from the things we women have the right to speak. C: Over the past year, this is a big change, right? B: Yes, I think so. C: In your home, who is in charge? B: the major issues, I often discuss with her husband. A: I see.
第2个回答  2010-12-23
A: your fields? B: in our village, most women with men like the fields.
A: do you think in your village of equality between men and women? B: I think it is equal, none is about the house, or village from the thing we women have right of speech.
C: year-on-year in the past, this is a big change, right?
B: yes, I think so.
C: in your house, who's the boss?
B: on major issues, I often and husband heads together.
A: I see.