

Daily is an English adjective pronounced as /ˈdeɪli/ in British English and /ˈdeɪli/ in American English. It refers to something that happens every day, routine, or daily occurrences. For example:
1. "She has a daily routine of exercise."
2. "The daily newspaper is delivered every morning."
3. "His daily tasks include checking emails and planning the schedule."
Daily can also be used as an adverb, meaning every day or daily. For instance:
1. "He travels to work daily."
2. "We need to update the database daily."
When comparing daily with other similar words, remember that "daily" emphasizes the frequency of an action or event every 24 hours. In contrast, "everyday" is an adjective that describes something common or usual in daily life, while "every day" is two words and functions as an adverbial, indicating the time when an action occurs.
Here are some corrected sentences for the provided usage examples:
1. "Regular daily workouts can act as a stress buffer."
2. "There are numerous daily tasks to manage."
3. "Commuting is an integral part of the daily routine for many individuals."
4. "People go about their daily activities everywhere."
5. "Engaging with others is a daily occurrence for her."
Remember to use "daily" as an adjective to describe something that is done or happens every day, and as an adverb when specifying the frequency of an action.