

John is a very careless boy ,one day he losted his key,his friend tom looked for it everywhere, afer 3 days john,s car disappeared as well, that horrible news made him so miserable,because he spent 50000 dollars in buying that vehicle ,besides the reason why he had a big amount of money is because he got A in final exam.once he knew his car is missing ,his tears almost rolled down his face.but a friend is in need is a friend indeed.Tom thought this crime must be done by familiar person,suddenly some idea occured to her ,jack told him if had a car he would go to beach with his girl friend ,he needed the car so badly,so Tom went to the crossing which is close his apartment most to view who exactly passed by ,Fortunately he found out who is the criminal is jack ,later on ,jack was accused of stealing tha car.In the end ,the nice car returned to his owner again.
第1个回答  2010-12-21
Tom's one day
Today is just another ordinary day for Tom. He struggles to get up early in the morning. With tired eyes, he prepares and eats his breakfast. Twenty minutes later, he departs from home for school. Tom is a studious boy--he overcomes the one-hour boredom on the bus by reading. He has read many of the world's famous classic novels. At school, Tom enjoys being attentive and inquisitive in class. He gets straight As for all of the subjects he has at school. At lunch time, Tom loves to hang out with his friend Jim. They often play basketball together. They both are very talented players. After school, besides doing homework, Tom helps her mom with some house chores. Later at night, Tom spends one hour playing video games for relaxation. After which, he goes to bed.