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Hello everyone,I'm xx .I like do some shopping very much and I usually do some shopping with my mother.I ueually do some shopping in a market on sundays.The market is near my home.There are many things in the market.I like to buy some foods very much.I think do some shopping is very fun.

Hello everyone, I'm ~~~. One of my hobbies is shopping. I like shopping very much and I usually shop with my mother. I often shop in a market on Sundays, which is near my home. Many people go to the market because there are many things in the market. One can buy everything there, such as toys, clothes, electronics (电子产品), and food. I like snacks very much so I buy them every time I go to the market. It's a great way to gain life experience and interact with others. I think shopping is very fun and I always get a personal satisfaction (个人满足)afterwards.

首先,doing some shopping 非常繁琐,to shop 本身就是动词,用doing的话重复意思了,就好像说要睡觉: doing some sleep。 第二,是老师要求用usually和shopping吗?如果不是的话,usually这个词可以换成其他的,不用说这么多次,之后写雅思、托福等考试批分最烦的就是这种无必要的重复了,现在改,养成好习惯,可以将usually改成often, sometimes等。第三,楼主说的foods是指普通菜?如果是那样的话可以说:vegetables and other foods,如果是零食(个人推测)就说snacks, 很确切的表达方式。总体来说,如果把断的句子连起来,形成一个长一点的句子,对写作有益,句子有长有短才有意思。


参考资料:egregia cum laude from pre school DT

第1个回答  2010-12-19
Hello everyone. I'm xx. I like (删掉 do some,语法错+啰嗦) shopping very much and I usually GO shopping with my mother(MOM好一些,口语里mother有点正式,不过随便你,不是错误。).

I uSually go shopping on Sundays at a (SUPER) market, which is very near from my home. (定语从句如果对你来说太复杂的话,可以把逗号变成句号。which改称it。这样就成了两个简单的句子了。)There are many things (SOLD,感觉加上这个好一些)in the(that比the好) market. I like to buy some food (食物是不可数名词) (food后面加上一个there会非常棒) very much. I think shopping(还是删掉do some) is very fun.
第2个回答  2010-12-17

Hello everyone,I'm xx .I like TO do some shopping very much and I usually do some shopping with my mother.I uSually do some shopping in a market on Sundays.The market is near my home.There are many things in the market.I like to buy some foods very much.I think DOING some shopping is A fun.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-12-21