1-1)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !


她来到这所幼儿园已经三个月了. 在家里她的父母都是用他们国家自己的语言和她沟通. 加上因为他的语言能力还在发展当中,所以这个孩子是不会说英语或法语的

Brief assessment( summery):
因为刚开始来到不熟悉的环境,加上父母不在她的身边所以在她刚来到幼儿园的前一两个礼拜她每天都在哭, 她的情绪是很不稳定的必须要不断地安抚她才会稍微停止哭泣我发现後来在她适应了环境之後,她会经常重复地说她周遭的人说的单字并且她听得懂我们对她说的要求和规定. 只是在社交方面我发现她都是自己一个人到处走来走去的并且自己一个人玩. 她很少和其他小孩子们互动.也许是因为她们国家的一些文化关系所以让这个孩子比较害羞去和其他孩子做朋友但我想要藉由一些策略让他可以和其他孩子有更多互动并且改进她的社交技巧.

Intervention plan/ Two strategies/:

我的第一个策略是我会在circle time时, 用图片介绍有关这个孩子的国家的传统和文化给其他孩子知道并且和他们一起讨论有关伊朗这个国家的服饰,食物等等的文化和习俗藉由这样的活动让其他孩子能更了解vafa 并且让他们愿意主动去亲近她

我的第二个策略是我会在free play time时, 让她和班上其他女生一起玩芭比娃娃
让她们一起为芭比娃娃穿上衣服. 如果vafa没办法做到的话,让其他孩子帮她把芭比娃娃穿上衣服之後他们可以一起玩藉由这样的活动让vafa可以和其他孩子有更多的互动并且和他们做朋友

Summarizethis observation/ assessment of benefit of the intervention:

经过我实行的策略,她的社会技巧改变了很多虽然偶而她还是会自已在教室到处走来走去的. 但我看见现在的她也会和其他女生一起玩洋娃娃和扮家家酒了呢. 其他孩子也愿意主动接近她并且在午餐时间时告诉我们说 ‘’vafa 把桌子弄得脏兮兮的’’


She is the first and only child in her family who moved from Iran to Canada 10 years ago.  She has been in the Kindergarten for 3 months.  Since her parents communicate with her in Iranian at home and she is still in her linguistic development stage, she cannot speak English or French.

Brief assessment( summary):

In her first couple weeks in the Kindergarten, she cried every day in the unfamiliar environment without her parents nearby.  She was very anxious and we needed to calm her down.  I found that after she familiar with the environment, she started to talk to us in single words repeatedly and understood what we required of her except that she was still wandering around and played with herself.  She seldom had interaction with other kids.  This maybe due to her own country culture that she was shy to play with others.  I would like to improve her social skills by some strategic actions so that she can have more interaction with other kids.

Intervention plan/ Two strategies/:

    In circle time, I will introduce her country traditions and cultures to by means of some pictures.  I will discuss with them about their clothes, food and other traditional and culture activities in their country so that they understand Vafa better and will start playing with her proactively.

    In free play time, I will let her play Barbie with other girls.  They can dress the dolls up with different clothes.  If Vafa cannot do it, other girls can help her.  And they can have more interactions and will become friends during the activities.

Summarize this observation/ assessment of benefit of the intervention:

After my intervention, her social skills improved a lot although still wandering around in the classroom occassionally.  However, I can see her playing with other girls with the dolls and playing just like home.  Other children are willing to contact her and sometimes come to us saying that "Vafa makes the table dirty!" in lunch time.  I expect her become more open and bright.

Hope this can help!
