






D4 1. nosebleed 2. commonly 3. blowing 4. injury 5. forward 6. throat 7. lightly 8. ice 9. harmless/normal 10. serious



1-5.BCCAB 6-9.BACC 10. food 11. broke 12. improve 13. Britain 14. chips 15. hot dogs 16. terrible 17. own 18. fruit


1. A。根据文章内容,足球运动员梦寐以求的是为皇马踢球,其它几项虽然也很像,但在文章中并没有提及。

2. B。Ozil掐自己是因为无法相信居然能和那些巨星一起踢球。

3. D。12年的欧洲杯预选赛对于Ozil来说很复杂,因为他替德国踢球,和土耳其队比赛,但出生在德国,却被土耳其父母养大。

4. C。Ozil一点西班牙语都不会说,英语也说的不好,所以语言对他的职业生涯会是个障碍。


1. C。本文主要讲述了英国与美国青少年遇到的不同困扰与压力,D选项主要侧重同龄压力,而文章中提到的压力是来自多方面的,故答案是C。

2. D。由第四段“Their sons were battling bad skin, were reluctant (不愿的) to speak”可知D项正确。

3. B。上下文提到的都是在美国青少年中普遍存在的问题,所以universal在这里表示“普遍的”。

4. A。由最后一段“…and they are much more aware of the importance of planning ahead” 可知A项正确。


1. B。作者和老人互相对视,因为彼此之间有误解。

2. D。作者以为“the most exciting thing”会是一件很了不得的事。

3. D。老人心脏病突发恢复后,更加珍惜生命,珍惜生活中的点点滴滴。

4. A。作者认为,人们应该重新审视自己对待生活的态度。濒死的经历并不是让人珍惜生命的唯一途径。


1. nosebleed 2. commonly 3. blowing 4. injury 5. forward 6. throat 7. lightly 8. ice 9. harmless 10. serious




Dialogue 1
M: I'm going to a party at Carol's house.

W: You can't be serious. We've got two tests at school tomorrow.

Dialogue 2
M: I don’t like to wear a school uniform. We are teenagers and we like to be stylish.

W: But it’s the school rule.

Dialogue 3
W: Hi, John. How is your exam?

M: It couldn’t be better.

W: Really? But remember this: Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Dialogue 4
M: You and I are both set on studying abroad – probably in the United States or Canada.

W: Yes, I’d like to study journalism. But I may have difficulties. Obviously, I want to go to a top school.

M: And what have you found?

W: I looked into Columbia. It has a famous graduate program in journalism, but sadly no undergraduate course. They think students should study other things before they switch to journalism.

M: I have a different problem. I want to study engineering in Canada, at the University of Waterloo. There’s a problem, however. The course is excellent – but it’s not a very nice place to live. If I’m going to be working that hard, I want some comfort!

W: I guess we – like all students planning on studying abroad – have to do a lot of careful research before we make a decision.

Dialogue 5
Li Ping: Peter, I hear PE class in the United States is a little different from that in China.

Peter: Well, tell me what they are like in China.

Li Ping: They affect your grade. The better you perform in PE Class, the better your grade will be. That can make a difference overall…

Peter: Well in the States all you have to do is show up and look as if you’re trying. That’s good for me since I’m not good at sports.

Li Ping: I bet you are, really, Peter. You’re just being modest!

Peter: No, I’m terrible. I’ve got two left feet, I can’t catch and I couldn’t hit a baseball to save my life.

Li Ping: Then you might have had difficulties if you had studied in China.

Peter: I did try, however, so I got the grade. It didn’t make any real difference to my school career.

To eat or not to eat? What to eat? How to eat healthier? School food is always a big problem.

According to a Guangzhou Daily report, more than 100 students from a high school in Foshan, Guangdong, broke their lunch boxes on the table last month. The students said it was in protest against their terrible-tasting canteen food.

This might be an extreme kind of protest, but it shows the need to improve the quality of school food.

School food is not just a problem in China. It’s a worldwide problem. In the US and Britain, there are hot school lunches for sale, but not many kids buy them. In Britain, a school dinner is often a choice of chips, boiled potatoes, or overcooked cabbage. The pizza, hot dogs and meatballs in American schools always taste terrible. So many students bring their own lunches, usually sandwiches and fruit, to school