
The use of mechanical dictionaries to overcome the barriers of language was first suggested in the 17th century. However, it was not until the 20th century that the first concrete proposals were made, in patents issued independently in 1933 by George Artsrouni, a French-Armenian, and by a Russian, Petr Smirnov- Troyanskii. Artsrouni designed a storage device on paper tape which could be used to find the equivalent of any word in another language; a prototype was apparently demonstrated in 1937. The proposals by Troyanskii were in retrospect more significant. He envisioned three stages of mechanical translation: first, an editor knowing only the source language was to undertake the 'logical' analysis of words into their base forms and syntactic functions; secondly, the machine was to transform sequences of base forms and functions into equivalent sequences in the target language; finally, another editor knowing only the target language was to convert this output into the normal forms of his own language. Troyanskii envisioned both bilingual and multilingual translation. Although his patent referred only to the machine which would undertake the second stage, Troyanskii believed that "the process of logical analysis could itself be mechanized".


The use of mechanical dictionaries to overcome the barriers of language was first suggested in the 17th century.

However, it was not until the 20th century that the first concrete proposals were made, in patents issued independently in 1933 by George Artsrouni, a French-Armenian, and by a Russian, Petr Smirnov- Troyanskii.
然而,第一个实体的设计直到20世纪才由法籍美国人George Artsrouni和俄罗斯人Petr Smirnov- Troyanskii实现,并于1933年发明并被分别授予专利。

Artsrouni designed a storage device on paper tape which could be used to find the equivalent of any word in another language;

a prototype was apparently demonstrated in 1937.

The proposals by Troyanskii were in retrospect more significant.

He envisioned three stages of mechanical translation:

first, an editor knowing only the source language was to undertake the 'logical' analysis of words into their base forms and syntactic functions;
secondly, the machine was to transform sequences of base forms and functions into equivalent sequences in the target language;

finally, another editor knowing only the target language was to convert this output into the normal forms of his own language.

Troyanskii envisioned both bilingual and multilingual translation.

Although his patent referred only to the machine which would undertake the second stage, Troyanskii believed that "the process of logical analysis could itself be mechanized".

第1个回答  2010-12-14
用机器翻译字典来克服语言障碍首先在十七世纪提出。然而,直到20世纪,具体提案才被制定出,1933年由一个法裔亚美尼亚人George Artsrouni和一个俄国人Petr Smirnov- Troyanskii分别独立制定出,并已被授予专利。Artsrouni 在纸带上设计了一个储存装置,可用来查询另一种语言中的任何一个有相同意义的词。在1937年,它的雏形在表面演示了这一功能。回头看来,Troyanskii的提案更显得意义重大,他预想了机器翻译的三部曲:第一,一个只理解源语言的编辑器进行单词的逻辑分析,找出句子中单词的原形和语法功能,第二步,机器将原形和语法功能的序列转化成目标语言中相同意思的序列,最后,另一个只理解目标语言的编辑器将上述输出转化为它自己的语言的标准形式。Troyanskii既设想了双语言翻译,也设想了多语言的翻译。尽管他的专利只提到了处理第二步的机器,但是Troyanskii相信,"逻辑分析过程本身可以机械化".
第2个回答  2010-12-14
用机械词典来克服语言困难的方法在17世纪首次被提出。 但是 直到20世纪才有实际的方案出现。这项专利在1933年分别给了一个叫George Artsrouni的法国人和一个叫Petr Simrnov-Troyanskii的俄国人。Artsrouni设计了一个以纸带存储的装置,这项设计可以被用来寻找在其他语言中同意思的词。此设计的原型在1937年展出。Troyanskii的方案现在回想起来更为重要而有意义。他设想了有三个步骤的机械化翻译。第一步是一个只懂得要翻译的语言的编辑把这些词还原为最基本的词和语法的形式。第二步用机器把词的顺序调整为符合要翻译成的语言的语言习惯(目标语言)的顺序。最后另一个只会要翻译成的语言(目标语言)的编辑把这些词重组为一个完整的句子。虽然他的专利只包括了能够执行第二步骤的机器,Troyanskii详细逻辑分析的步骤是可以被机械化的。

不懂的话再问我 给加分啊 很辛苦
第3个回答  2010-12-14
利用机械化词典克服语言障碍这个建议是在17世纪第一次被提出来的。然而,直到20世纪,第一部具体的提案才在美籍法国人George Artsrouni和俄国人 Petr Smirnov- Troyanskii于1933年独立发表的专利中被提出。Artsrouni 设计了一种在纸质磁带上的储存装置,它能够用来查找一个词在另一语言中的同义词;一个雏形在1937年被提出。据回顾Troyanskii 的提案更加重大。他预想了机器词典的三个阶段:第一,一个只知道原始语言的编辑对词语作出逻辑分析,把其转化成基本形式和语法功能;第二步,机器将一系列基本形式和功能转化成一系列在目标语言中表达同样意思的词;最后,另一个只懂得目标语言的编辑将上述输出转化成一般形式的语言。Troyanskii既预想到双语翻译还有多语翻译。虽然他的专利只指明了能够完成第二阶段的装置,他相信“逻辑分析本身可以机械自动化”