

Opportunities are only for the prepared mind
There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of opportunity.Some people think that opportunities are rare and only the luckiest persons can obtain them,while some other argue that in a sense everyone has opportunity from time to time .
As far as I was concerned,I argued with the latter to some extent.I think that various kinds of opportunities are around us all the time .However,the opportunity will not run into us voluntarily.We must try our best to find them and make full use of them.
I can think of no better illustration of the view than my own experience.When I was studying in high school ,there was a national writing competion .Most of my classmates thought that they had virtually no chance of wining the competition since they were studying in a rural school.But I felt that was a good chance and I must grasp it.So I get good ready for it and finally I won the second prize.This experience lead me to conclude that "Opportunities are only for the prepared mind."
This writing is especially for you ,I hope that you can get something from it and to be a prepared mind ,from now on!
第1个回答  2023-06-10
"Opportunity always favors the prepared mind." This famous quote by Louis Pasteur highlights the importance of being prepared in order to seize opportunities when they arise.
In life, we all have opportunities that come our way, but it is up to us to be prepared to take advantage of them. For example, if we are applying for a job, we need to have the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to be successful. If we are given a chance to perform on stage, we need to have rehearsed and practiced in order to give our best performance.
Being prepared not only helps us take advantage of opportunities, but it also gives us the confidence and ability to handle any challenges that we may face. By being prepared, we can anticipate problems and come up with solutions in advance, which can help us stay calm and focused when the unexpected happens.
In contrast, if we are not prepared, we may miss out on opportunities that could have been life-changing. We may also struggle to handle unexpected challenges and feel overwhelmed and unprepared.
In conclusion, being prepared is essential in order to seize opportunities and succeed in life. We should always strive to be prepared and ready for any challenges that may come our way. As the saying goes, "Opportunity always favors the prepared mind."
第2个回答  2023-06-12
Opportunities are only for the prepared mind

There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of opportunity.Some people think that opportunities are rare and only the luckiest persons can obtain them,while some other argue that in a sense everyone has opportunity from time to time .
As far as I was concerned,I argued with the latter to some extent.I think that various kinds of opportunities are around us all the time .However,the opportunity will not run into us voluntarily.We must try our best to find them and make full use of them.

I can think of no better illustration of the view than my own experience.When I was studying in high school ,there was a national writing competion .Most of my classmates thought that they had virtually no chance of wining the competition since they were studying in a rural school.But I felt that was a good chance and I must grasp it.So I get good ready for it and finally I won the second prize.This experience lead me to conclude that "Opportunities are only for the prepared mind."

This writing is especially for you ,I hope that you can get something from it and to be a prepared mind ,from now on!
第3个回答  2023-06-07
Opportunities Are Always Reserved for the Prepared
Opportunities do not come knocking at our doors often. Therefore, we must do everything in our power to get ready for them. They say, "Success is when preparation meets opportunity." Preparedness helps us to recognize and seize opportunities as they come.
For example, Imagine a student who has been diligently learning new skills and acquiring knowledge. When the campus recruitment drive comes around, they perform incredibly well during the interview, presenting themselves as an ideal candidate for the job. Meanwhile, another student, who did none of the preparation, struggles and fails to get through the interview. Who do you think succeeded in landing the job offer? The first student, of course.
We may not always be aware of when an opportunity will come knocking, but maintaining a readiness mindset can help. That means keeping ourselves informed, staying up to date on job trends, and gaining additional skills. We may also have to continue polishing our expertise to create an environment of opportunities around us.
In conclusion, we can't just sit and wait for opportunities to come to us; we can increase the chances of success by preparing ourselves to grab them once they come. Therefore, the best way to make the most of opportunities is to prove ourselves to be fully ready and set for action.