【英语作文】假如你校成功举办了一次学生艺术作品展览,请你以Art show为题写一篇120词左右短文进行报道

活动:学生艺术作品展览 目的:展示学生艺术成就,弘扬校园文化
时间:9月5日至9月9日 过程:校长讲话;120件绘画、摄影、雕塑、剪纸等作品参展
地点:学校大厅 结果:非常成功,收到师生好评


Have you ever seen art show? I saw an good art show in our school. Now, Let me tell you something about it.
In the September 5th to September 9th,Our school has successfully organized student art exhibition,It is held in the school hall. Organized student art exhibition in order to show artistic achievements of students,development of school culture.
First,the schoolmaster gave a speech,then 120 pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, paper-cut on show.There were lots of pictures, such as watercolour paintings, traditional Chinese paintings. Some of them were so good that people in the painting looked like real.Through the art show, we have got some knowledges, especially we have seen something new and wonderful.
Art show was very successful and a good assess by teachers and students.
第1个回答  2010-11-29
Have you ever seen art show? I saw an good art show in our school. Now, Let me tell you something about it.
In the September 5th to September 9th,Our school has successfully organized student art exhibition,It is held in the school hall. Organized student art exhibition in order to show artistic achievements of students,development of school culture.
First,the schoolmaster gave a speech,then 120 pieces of painting, photography, sculpture, paper-cut on show.There were lots of pictures, such as watercolour paintings, traditional Chinese paintings. Some of them were so good that people in the painting looked like real.Through the art show, we have got some knowledges, especially we have seen something new and wonderful.