
根据调查结果显示,孩子们的一些梦想不够现实,但他们很坚持。(hold on)


除非你自己会说法语,否则你最好带一个会翻译的人(unless,it‘s best to)

房间需要一个厨房,并能容纳三个人。(need to)


According the survey, some dreams of the children can not come true, but they are still holding on.

The cost of taking taxis to travel around Paris is expensive, but it is very conveniet to take subway.

It's best to take an interpreter with you unless you can speak French.

The house needs to have a kitchen which can contain three persons.

I must work hard in order to provide my family with a better life.
第1个回答  2012-06-06
According the survey, some dreams of the children can not come true, but they are still holding on.

The cost of taking taxis to travel around Paris is expensive, but it is very conveniet to take subway.

It's best to take an interpreter with you unless you can speak French.

The house needs to have a kitchen which can contain three persons.

I must work hard in order to provide my family with a better life.已赞同5| 评论
第2个回答  2010-11-24
According to the survey results indicate that the children of the dream is not reality, but they insisted. (hold on)
第3个回答  2010-11-24
According to the research,some dreams of the children are not so realistic,but they hold on them.

It cost a lot to travel by taxi in Paris,but it's very convenient to subway.

Unless you can speak Franch,or it's best to take a interpretor with you.

The room need a kitchen which can hold 3 people.

I have to work hard so that I can provide my familities with a better life.
第4个回答  2010-11-24
According to the survey,some of children's dreams are unreal , but they are hold them on.
The costsof trave ln Paris are very high, but it is very convenient by the subway ,
Unless you can speak French, otherwise, you'd better take a translator
The room needs a kitchen which can accommodate up to three people. I
I must work hard, so as to provide better life for my family .

第5个回答  2010-11-24
according to survey, some children dreams are not realistic ,but they still hold on

It costs a lot to travel by taxi in Paris,but it's very convenient
to travel by subway.

it's best to take an interpreter wiht you unless you can speak French

the room needs a kitchen which can contain 3 people

i must work hard to provide my family with better life