网络教育 英语作文(带翻译)




During the epidemic period, the winter vacation was extended, and the online classes were carried out in the whole country. Numerous schools, education and training institutions launched a variety of online courses, and countless primary and secondary school students participated in them. It is undeniable that online classes are the last line of defense against the epidemic.


On the Internet, Nini of Guangdong said, "there are no better ways to deal with the current epidemic." indeed, learners do not have a natural demand for educational occasions. Now they stay at home for classes, not because they like online classes, but because of special circumstances.


If you have a choice, you may not choose online classes, but when everyone is in fear, you can't go out, you can't work, you can't go to school, and the society is at a standstill. Just like a pendulum striking the clock, the stagnant society loses its vitality. At this time, the emergence of a soft ability saves this endangered society, that is, online office and online teaching.


In a big wave of "no suspension of classes" declaration, many apps are really rushing to launch online classes. For the epidemic situation, online classes are indeed a soaring "opportunity" of online teaching app.


Network education is a kind of future development prospect and online education adopts video learning method. It uses computer network mobile app to carry out course learning. The learning mode is very flexible, breaking through the traditional education teaching mode which can only rely on time and place limit and self-study mode of self-study of purchasing books and answering questions.


Network education is a kind of adult education, which is convenient to contact students and enrich their knowledge at the same time.


But everything can't be generalized. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Some people say that "long term staring at the mobile phone is bad for students' eyesight." yes, mobile video does great harm to the eyes, and learning online can't achieve the purpose of communicating with friends and exercising social skills.


Some lazy students with weak self-control will choose to "skip class". Although it will be shown in the background, it will not be helpful to make up for it at present. However, it is bound to polarize as usual. The students who are serious in class will become stronger and stronger, and the students who are careless in class will become worse and worse.


At present, network teaching is the only way to overcome any hardship and difficulty. Epidemic situation is both a difficulty and an opportunity. We should seize this "opportunity" and not waste the opportunity to surpass ourselves. We should think of it every minute and every second. Can we learn by ourselves? Have you reviewed? Do you know how to use it?


When summer is approaching, the dawn of victory will eliminate the virus, and the motherland will unite as one again in this disaster, leaving behind many famous figures in history. Network education will achieve a milestone significance in this disaster.


Leaving behind some famous figures in history, online education will be a milestone in this catastrophe.


第1个回答  推荐于2016-04-04
Distance education, in some papers already published in Ministry of education,also known as the modern distance education network education, adult educationis a kind of. Refers to the use of television and Internet media teaching mode, it breaks through the time and space boundaries, is different from the traditionalmode of teaching in the school accommodation. The use of this teaching mode of the students, are usually amateur learners. Because you do not need to specific locations in class, so you can whenever and wherever possible class. Studentscan also through television broadcasting, Internet, counseling hotline, class club,face to face (correspondence) in different pipeline mutual learning. Is a new concept of modern information technology in education after produces, is the use of network technology and environment to develop education. Admission objectregardless of age and previous education limited, provides education promotion opportunities for the general has stepped into the society of the masses. Can break through the limitations of time and space, enhance the learning efficiency;span caused by geographical aspects of the inequality of educational resourcesallocation, the education resources sharing, reduce the learning threshold. One of the biggest advantages of distance education is widespread, this is also its disadvantages, a weakness. Object "distance education pan", no individualtargeted, only to a community's attention, in the practical teaching, the lack ofsituational teaching.
第2个回答  2020-07-06