lead to do和lead to doing有什么区别


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析lead to do和lead to doing的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "lead to do" 表示导致某人做某事,引领某人朝着特定的行为方向前进。

- "lead to doing" 表示导致某种情况或状态的发生,引领某种行为或结果的产生。


- His inspiring speech led me to take action and start my own business. (lead to do)


- The heavy rain led to flooding in the area. (lead to doing)


2. 用法区别:

- "lead to do" 可以用于引导某人去做某事,强调行动的发生。

- "lead to doing" 可以用于描述引发某种情况或状态的行为,强调结果或影响的发生。


- His persuasive arguments led me to change my mind. (lead to do)


- The company's growth strategy led to expanding their operations globally. (lead to doing)


3. 使用环境区别:

- "lead to do" 更常用于描述个人受某种动力或影响而采取的个人行动。

- "lead to doing" 更常用于描述广泛影响或结果的发生。


- The teacher's encouragement led the students to study harder for the exam. (lead to do)


- The economic recession led to a decrease in consumer spending. (lead to doing)


4. 形象区别:

- "lead to do" 呈现出一种主动的形象,暗示一个人被引导或激励去采取行动。

- "lead to doing" 呈现出一种被动的形象,强调结果的发生并将其归因于特定行为。


- The coach's motivational speech led the team to victory. (lead to do)


- The malfunctioning equipment led to the delay in production. (lead to doing)


5. 影响范围区别:

- "lead to do" 更侧重于引导个人行动,其影响范围较为局限。

- "lead to doing" 更侧重于引发更广泛的结果或影响。


- The new government policies led to a decrease in unemployment rates. (lead to doing)


- The lack of clear instructions led to confusion among the employees. (lead to do)


第1个回答  推荐于2019-09-07

lead to do和lead to doing的区别;

1、ead to do是诱惑引诱怂恿的意思,lead sb to do / lead to do 可以解释为:引导;导致或诱惑。

2、lead to doing 是导致的意思,lead to doing是lead to sth的变体。


lead to do

1、In Europe, people believed that dreams were evil and could lead people to do bad things.


2、To lead, to do, and to experience is the best way to learn. 


3、Can lead people to do the strangest things. 


4、Linda's increase in importance do not lead he to do bombastic speeches at the party.


5、Scability testing buys us confirmation of predictions about what will happen before it happens, buying the lead time to do the right thing when additional capacity is needed.


 lead to doing

1、Contemplate what you are looking for in a partner and don't let Jealousy and anger lead to doing the wrong thing. 


2、Ironically, this may lead you to doing more instead of less. 


3、Emotional decisions can lead you to doing things that you never wanted to do, these things could have a very bad impact on your life. 


4、In principle, increasing labour productivity ( aka destroying jobs) could lead to us doing less work for the same material gains. 


第2个回答  2023-07-25

首先我们来看下lead to do和lead to doing的大致意思:

lead to do:词性为短语,动词lead的非谓语形式(不定式)to do的用法

lead to doing:词性为短语,动词lead的非谓语形式(动名词)to doing的用法

通过下面的表格我们了解下lead to do和lead to doing的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下lead to do和lead to doing的用法区别:

1.词性:lead to do是动词不定式,而lead to doing是动名词


- His words led me to make a decision.


- This question led to him feeling confused.


2.含义:lead to do指导、引导或促使某人做某事,而lead to doing导致、引起某种行为或状态


- This plan will lead us to save time and money.


- Her actions led to a series of problems.


3.语法结构:lead to do后面接动词不定式,而lead to doing后面接动名词


- Your suggestion led me to try new things.


- This discovery led to the attention of the scientific community.


4.使用频率:lead to do的使用频率较高,常见于口语和书面语中,而lead to doing的使用频率较低,常见于正式场合或文学作品中


- This advertisement led to an increase in sales.


- This novel led to a resonance among readers.


第3个回答  2023-07-17
首先,我们需要理解两个短语的构成和含义。"lead to do"和"lead to doing"都是由动词"lead"和介词"to"以及不同的动词形式(原形和动名词形式)组成。
1. "Lead to do"的含义:
"Lead to do"表示某个行为或结果的导致或引领。这个短语通常后面接一个动词原形(不带to)。例如:"Hard work can lead to success."(努力工作可以导致成功。)
2. "Lead to doing"的含义:
"Lead to doing"也表示某个行为或结果的导致或引领,但后面接一个动词的动名词形式(带ing)。例如:"The weather conditions led to postponing the event."(天气条件导致了活动的推迟。)

1. 句法角度:
"Lead to do"后面跟的是动词原形,而"Lead to doing"后面跟的是动词的动名词形式。因此,在句子中使用时需要根据上下文和语法结构来决定使用哪种形式。
2. 含义角度:
"Lead to do"更强调导致某个具体的行为或结果,而"Lead to doing"更强调导致某个行为的进行或过程。因此,在表达中需要根据想要强调的方面选择使用哪个短语。
3. 上下文角度:

1. 句法角度:
- "Lead to do"和"Lead to doing"的不同形式构成。
- 使用时需要根据上下文和语法结构来决定。
2. 含义角度:
- "Lead to do"强调具体行为或结果的导致。
- "Lead to doing"强调行为进行或过程的导致。
3. 上下文角度:
- 根据句子的整体含义和目的选择适合的表达方式。

第4个回答  推荐于2017-09-10
lead to do是诱惑引诱怂恿的意思
lead to doing 是导致的意思
lead sb to do / lead to do 可以解释为:引导;导致或诱惑;
lead to doing是lead to sth的变体,当有sb出现时,lead sb to doing这种结构就是错误的.本回答被提问者和网友采纳