


]KTV基础英语问候语  Greeting
1、您好。How do you do.
2、您好吗?How are you?
3、见到您真高兴。Nice to meet you.
4、早上(下午、晚上)好。Good morning, (afternoon, evening).

欢迎语  Welcomes
5、欢迎光临**KTV。Welcome to ** KTV

6、欢迎您到我们KTV来。Welcome to our KTV

答谢语 Thanks
7、非常感谢。Thank you very much.
8、感谢您的到来。Thanks for your coming.
9、多谢。Thanks a lot.
10、您太客气了。It’s very kind of you.
11、您的心地真好。Thank you for your kindness.
12、感谢您的建议。Thank you for your suggestion.
13、感谢您的合作。Thank you for your cooperation.
14、感谢您的夸奖。Thank you for your praise.
15、我真不知道要怎样感谢您才好。I don’t know how I can thank
         you enough.
16、 我真是感谢您。I do appreciate your help.
17、花费您宝贵的时间了。I appreciate your precious time.
18、一点也不。Not at all.
19、不客气。You are welcome.

道歉语    Apologies
20、对不起。I’m sorry.
21、劳驾。Excuse me.
22、对不起,这是我的错。I’m sorry, it’s my fault.
23、抱歉让您久等了。Sorry to have kept you waiting.
24、抱歉打扰您了。Sorry to disturb you.
25、抱歉打扰你了。Sorry to interrupt you.
26、对此我很抱歉。I’m very sorry to this.
27、我为此道歉。I apologize for this.
28、抱歉占用您一些时间。I am sorry to take a few minute of your   time.  
29、对不起,我没明白您的意思,我马上请我们经理过来。I’m  sorry, I don’t understand. I’ll get the manager.
30、抱歉给您添麻烦了。I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble.
31、我为我刚才所说的话道歉。I apologize for what I’ve said just now.
32、给您带来的不便我们表示抱歉。We are sorry for the inconvenience.
33、没关系。That’s all right.
34、算了吧。Let’s forget it.
35、对不起,我马上就办。I’m sorry, I will do it right away.
36、听到这件事我很抱歉。I’m sorry to hear that.

征询和问答Asking & Answers
37、我能帮你吗?May I help you?
38、我能为你做什么?What can I do for you.
39、我有什么能为你做的?Anything I can do for you?
40、这样可以吗?Is that all right.
41、是的,当然。Yes, of course.
42、明白了。I see.
43、我马上把它取过来。I’ll get it at once.
44、这是我的荣幸。My pleasure.
45、很乐意为您效劳。I’m at your service.
46、恐怕不行。I’m afraid not.
47、请稍等,电梯马上就到了。Just a moment, the elevator will be here.
48、服务员马上就到。The waiter will be with you in a minute.
49、没问题。That’s no problem.
50、还需要点别的吗?Anything else, sir?
51、让我来帮您一下吧。Let me give you a hand.
52、我可以进来吗?May I come in.?
53、坐这里可以吗?Would you like to sit here?
54、您要去哪里,先生。Where are you going, sir?
55、我领你去包房,好吗?Shall I show you your room?
56、能告诉我您的名字吗?May I have your name?
57、给您。Here you are.

提醒用语 Notice
58、请走好。Mind your step.
59、请小心。Please be careful.
60、别担心。Don’t worry.
61、放心好了。Take it easy.
62、请稍等。Just a moment, please.

电话用语 Calling
63、**部门,我能帮你吗?** department. May I help you?
64、您能再说一遍吗?I beg your pardon?
65、请稍等,我叫他接听电话。Just a moment, I’ll get him at once.

66、请走这边。This way,please
第1个回答  2008-08-08
]KTV基础英语问候语 Greeting
1、您好。How do you do.
2、您好吗?How are you?
3、见到您真高兴。Nice to meet you.
4、早上(下午、晚上)好。Good morning, (afternoon, evening).

欢迎语 Welcomes
5、欢迎光临**KTV。Welcome to ** KTV

6、欢迎您到我们KTV来。Welcome to our KTV

答谢语 Thanks
7、非常感谢。Thank you very much.
8、感谢您的到来。Thanks for your coming.
9、多谢。Thanks a lot.
10、您太客气了。It’s very kind of you.
11、您的心地真好。Thank you for your kindness.
12、感谢您的建议。Thank you for your suggestion.
13、感谢您的合作。Thank you for your cooperation.
14、感谢您的夸奖。Thank you for your praise.
15、我真不知道要怎样感谢您才好。I don’t know how I can thank
you enough.
16、 我真是感谢您。I do appreciate your help.
17、花费您宝贵的时间了。I appreciate your precious time.
18、一点也不。Not at all.
19、不客气。You are welcome.

道歉语 Apologies
20、对不起。I’m sorry.
21、劳驾。Excuse me.
22、对不起,这是我的错。I’m sorry, it’s my fault.
23、抱歉让您久等了。Sorry to have kept you waiting.
24、抱歉打扰您了。Sorry to disturb you.
25、抱歉打扰你了。Sorry to interrupt you.
26、对此我很抱歉。I’m very sorry to this.
27、我为此道歉。I apologize for this.
28、抱歉占用您一些时间。I am sorry to take a few minute of your time.
29、对不起,我没明白您的意思,我马上请我们经理过来。I’m sorry, I don’t understand. I’ll get the manager.
30、抱歉给您添麻烦了。I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble.
31、我为我刚才所说的话道歉。I apologize for what I’ve said just now.
32、给您带来的不便我们表示抱歉。We are sorry for the inconvenience.
33、没关系。That’s all right.
34、算了吧。Let’s forget it.
35、对不起,我马上就办。I’m sorry, I will do it right away.
36、听到这件事我很抱歉。I’m sorry to hear that.

征询和问答Asking & Answers
37、我能帮你吗?May I help you?
38、我能为你做什么?What can I do for you.
39、我有什么能为你做的?Anything I can do for you?
40、这样可以吗?Is that all right.
41、是的,当然。Yes, of course.
42、明白了。I see.
43、我马上把它取过来。I’ll get it at once.
44、这是我的荣幸。My pleasure.
45、很乐意为您效劳。I’m at your service.
46、恐怕不行。I’m afraid not.
47、请稍等,电梯马上就到了。Just a moment, the elevator will be here.
48、服务员马上就到。The waiter will be with you in a minute.
49、没问题。That’s no problem.
50、还需要点别的吗?Anything else, sir?
51、让我来帮您一下吧。Let me give you a hand.
52、我可以进来吗?May I come in.?
53、坐这里可以吗?Would you like to sit here?
54、您要去哪里,先生。Where are you going, sir?
55、我领你去包房,好吗?Shall I show you your room?
56、能告诉我您的名字吗?May I have your name?
57、给您。Here you are.

提醒用语 Notice
58、请走好。Mind your step.
59、请小心。Please be careful.
60、别担心。Don’t worry.
61、放心好了。Take it easy.
62、请稍等。Just a moment, please.

电话用语 Calling
63、**部门,我能帮你吗?** department. May I help you?
64、您能再说一遍吗?I beg your pardon?
65、请稍等,我叫他接听电话。Just a moment, I’ll get him at once.

66、请走这边。This way,please
第2个回答  2008-08-17
欢迎光临: welcome to our ktv
你有没订房have you booked the room?
你决定要买哪种酒了吗 which kind of wine you want to buy?
你看上去很特别 you look so special

第3个回答  2008-08-07
第4个回答  2008-08-07