
Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles,and improved their feeble corporation governance ,a new problem threatens to earn them -especially in America- the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite:data insecurity.

Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles,and improved their feeble corporation governance ,----这是状语部分
a new problem主语threatens 谓语to earn them---这是句子的主干
-especially in America-这是插入语
the sort of nasty headlines ---这应该指的是"a new problem"
that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite:data insecurity.----这是定语从句,修饰the sort of nasty headlines
第1个回答  2008-08-07
a new problem 主语
to earn them 及后面的一大串宾语
第2个回答  2008-08-07