

2006: 1:他们生活在这块大陆上,这成了人类历史上的一个里程碑 They live on this continent and it became a milestone in the history od mankind. 2:许多人读过波涛汹涌的海洋来到新世界寻求一种新生活 Many people had crossed the ocean of seething waves and arrived at the new world to seek a new life. 3:你的问题令他们难堪你今后确实应该避免向他们提那样的问题 You have embarrassed them with your questions; you should really avoid asking such questions in future. 4:别悲观,我认为世界上的自然资源是不会被用光的 Don't be pessimistic; I think the natural resources in this world cannot be exhausted. 5:就我所知,他不是那种轻易失信的人 To my knowledge, he is not the type that easily goes back on his words. 【英语牛人团】