Are you going to the bookstore?回答肯定形式是什么,否定形式是什么?


Are you going to the bookstore?你打算去书店吗?
肯定回答:Yes I am.
否定回答:No, I'm not.



要用缩写,is not=isn't,are not=are't


1. — Is this your computer game — No, it isn't.
2. — Is this your ID card — Yes, it is.
3. — Is that your pen — No, it isn't.
4. — Is that your watch — Yes, it is.
5. — Are you a boy — Yes, I am.
6. — Are you a student — Yes, I am.
看了上面的例句,你们发现上面的例句有什么异同吗 会发现:
首先,问句都以be(is, are)开头;其次,答句以"yes, no+ 简短回答".其实上面这些句子都是一般疑问句.那么什么是一般疑问句呢 现在我们从含义,句型,回答,语调等方面向你展示一下一般疑问句是什么:

含义 像上面这样的句子,不用疑问词,但一般需用yes或no回答的问句,称为一般疑问句.句末用问号" ".
句型 Be动词+ 主语(名词/代词)+…… 是一般疑问句最常用,也是最简单的句型.

答语 肯定回答:Yes, +主语(通常是代词)+be.
否定回答:No, +主语(通常是代词)+ be not.(的缩写形式).但当be是am时,am与not不缩写.如:

— Are you a student — No, I am not / I'm not.

第1个回答  2021-10-12
肯定形式:Yes,I am going to。
否定形式:No,I am not .
第2个回答  2021-10-12
Are you going to the bookstore?回答肯定形式是Yes,I am.或者Yes,we are.否定形式是No,I am not.或者No,we aren't.
第3个回答  2021-10-12
Are you going to the bookstore?你打算去书店吗?
肯定回答:Yes I am.
否定回答:No, I'm not.
肯定句:I am going to the bookstore.
否定句:I am not going to the bookstore.
第4个回答  2021-10-12
回答肯定形式:Yes, we are
否定形式:No, we aren't