fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别


fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别为:使用场合不同、含义不同、用法不同。

一、使用场合不同 to do sth英 [feɪl tu duː ˈsʌmθɪŋ]   美 [feɪl tu duː ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 

解析:不定式及其短语还可以有自己的宾语、状语,虽然动词不定式在语法上没有表面上的直接主语,但它表达的意义是动作,这一动作一定由使动者(动词的使用者)发出,这一使动者(动词的使用者)我们称之为逻辑主语。 in doing sth英 [feɪl ɪn duːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ]   美 [feɪl ɪn duːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ]


二、含义不同 to do sth

释义:做不到某事。 in doing sth


三、用法不同 to do sth

用法:fail to do sth不能;未能做;没有能力做某事;使…失望(这件事还没做)。

例句:I fail to see why you find it so amusing.

译文:我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。 in doing sth


例句:He has been failing in health for the last two years.


第1个回答  2023-07-20

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "fail to do sth"的字面意思是“未能做某事”,它表示未能成功完成或实现某种行为或目标。

- "fail in doing sth"的字面意思是“在做某事上失败”,它强调在进行某种行为或尝试时失败了。


- He failed to pass the exam.(他未能通过考试。)

- She failed in convincing her parents to let her go on the trip.(她在说服父母让她去旅行上失败了。)

2. 用法区别:

- "fail to do sth"强调未能完成某项行动或实现目标,侧重于对结果的描述。

- "fail in doing sth"强调在进行某项行为或尝试时的失败,侧重于对行为或尝试本身的描述。


- He failed to submit the report on time.(他未能按时提交报告。)

- She failed in explaining the concept to her classmates.(她在向同学解释这个概念时失败了。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "fail to do sth"通常用于描述无法达到预期的结果或目标,强调对结果的失望。

- "fail in doing sth"通常用于描述在实施某种行动或尝试时的失败,强调对行为过程的描述。


- They failed to win the match.(他们未能赢得比赛,对结果感到失望。)

- He failed in convincing the investors to invest in his business.(他在说服投资者投资他的生意上失败了,强调在行为过程中的失败。)

4. 形象区别:

- "fail to do sth"在形象上更接近未能实现某种目标或期望的状态,强调对结果的评估和期望的落空。

- "fail in doing sth"在形象上更强调在行为过程中的失败和努力的无效。


- He failed to meet the deadline, leaving his team disappointed.(他未能在截止日期前完成任务,让他的团队感到失望。)

- She failed in persuading him to change his mind, despite her best efforts.(尽管她竭尽全力,她在说服他改变主意的过程中失败了。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "fail to do sth"的影响范围相对广泛,可用于描述各种情况下未能达到预期目标、结果或期望。

- "fail in doing sth"的影响范围相对较窄,主要用于描述在进行某项行为或尝试时遇到的失败。


- They failed to secure the contract, which was a major setback for the company.(他们未能赢得合同,这对公司来说是一个重大挫折。)

- He failed in persuading his friend to join the project, but he didn't give up.(他在劝说他的朋友加入项目上失败了,但他并没有放弃。)

第2个回答  2023-07-26

首先我们来看下fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的大致意思:

fail to do sth:词性为短语,fail to do sth 是一个动词短语,由动词fail和不定式to do sth构成。

fail in doing sth:词性为短语,fail in doing sth 是一个动词短语,由动词fail和介词in以及动名词doing sth构成。

通过下面的表格我们了解下fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下fail to do sth和fail in doing sth的用法区别:

1.结构上的区别:fail to do sth是动词+不定式的结构,而fail in doing sth是动词+介词+动名词的结构。


- They fail to complete the task.

(他们fail to complete the task.)

- He fails in understanding the concept.

(他在学习上fail in understanding the concept.)

2.动作完成与否的区别:fail to do sth表示未能完成或实现特定的动作或任务,而fail in doing sth表示在进行某项活动或任务中失败。


- I fail to submit the report on time.

(我fail to submit the report on time.)

- He fails in trying to fix the computer.

(他fail in trying to fix the computer.)

3.时间顺序的区别:fail to do sth强调动作未能在将来完成,而fail in doing sth强调动作在过去或正在进行中失败。


- She fails to meet the deadline for the project.

(她fail to meet the deadline for the project.)

- He fails in persuading his boss to give him a raise.

(他fail in persuading his boss to give him a raise.)

第3个回答  推荐于2017-09-01
fail to do sth:未能做
he failed to catch the first train.他没能赶上第一班火车。

fail in sth/doing sth:在……不足;失败;考试不及格
第4个回答  2023-07-16
"Fail to do something"和"fail in doing something"都表示未能完成某事,但它们在用法和意义上有一些区别。

"Fail to do something"指的是未能成功地完成或实现某个动作、任务或目标。它强调的是未能达到预期的结果。例如:

- 我们失败了,没有赢得比赛。
- 他失败了,没有通过考试。

"Fail in doing something"指的是在尝试做某事时失败或未能成功。它强调的是在过程中的失败。例如:

- 他在尝试修理电视时失败了。
- 她在试图说服他们时失败了。

总的来说,"fail to do something"强调的是未能达到预期的结果,而"fail in doing something"强调的是在尝试做某事时的失败。