
阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。小题1: to do what others think impossible! (fun)去做别人认为不可能的事情 真是有趣 !小题2:As our office building ______________, we rent a hotel room for the meeting.(decorate)因为我们的办公楼 正在装修 ,我们只好到一家旅馆租了一个房间开会。小题3:_________________ if the regular customers were not coming to eat in his restaurant. (happen)如果那些常客都不来他的餐馆用餐, 一定是发生了什么可怕的事 。 小题4:Time was up, I could do nothing ______________ the exam papers to the teacher.(hand)时间到了。我别无选择 只好 把试卷 交给了老师 。小题5:There are many examples of ______________ their addiction to the Internet after receiving education in our training course.(rid)在我们的培训课上接受教育之后, 学生们摆脱了网瘾 的事例很多小题6:I wondered ____________ reading the book that I lent to you , so I called you this morning. (finish) 我想知道我借给你的那本书 你是否已经看完了 ,所以今天早上我给你打了电话。小题7:House prices vary from place to place and are usually high ______________ (there)房子的价格根据地方不同而不同,通常 在有名校的地方 会很高。小题8:The reform of College Entrance Examination will begin with English, whose result is not so satisfying ____________. (expect) 高考改革将从英语学科开始,其结果也不像 预期那样 令人满意。小题9:The 31 st Olympic Games will be held in Rio De Janeiro, from July 27 to August 12,2016, All athletes will compete for medals. (during)第三十一届奥运会将于2016年7月27日至8月12日在里约热内卢举行, 在此期间 所有的运动员将为奖牌而战。小题10:Waiting on both sides of the street __________ who wanted to see the famous singing star. (excited)等候在街道两旁的 是激动的歌迷 ,他们想一睹这个著名歌星的风采。

小题1:What fun it is           
小题2:is being decorated
小题3:Something terrible must have happened
小题4:but hand in
小题5:students/students’ getting rid of
小题6:if/whether you had finished
小题7:where there are famous schools[来源:学科网
小题8:as we expected / as (it was) expected
小题9:during which time
小题10:were excited fans

小题1:考查感叹句。fun“有趣的事”不可数名词,所以前面用what引导感叹句。答案为What fun it is。
小题2:考查现在进行时的被动语态。其结构是be being done,所以“办公楼正在被装修”表达为“is being decorated”。
小题3:考查情态动词must表推测。对过去的肯定推测用must have done,“可怕的事情”用“something terrible”表示。所以答案为Something terrible must have happened。
小题4:考查句型do nothing but do“只能干某事”。“上交”用“hand in”表示。所以答案为but hand in。
小题5:考查短语get rid of“摆脱”。前面有介词of所以用名词所有格形式,而且get要用getting动名词形式。因此答案为students/ students’ getting rid of。
小题6:考查if或whether引导的宾语从句。主句用了过去时,从句也用过去时,而且发生在wondered之前所以用过去完成时态。因此答案为if/whether you had finished。
小题7:考查where引导的地点状语从句。提示词用there,即用there be结构,所以答案为where there are famous schools[。
小题8:考查as引导的方式状语从句。expect“预期,预料”,主语用we谓语就用主动语态,主语用it谓语就用被动语态,而且可以省掉主语it和be动词。所以答案为as we expected / as (it was) expected。
小题9:考查which引导的定语从句。先行词from July 27 to August 12, 2016是时间段,所以介词用during。表达“在此期间”,所以答案用during which time。
小题10:考查倒装。Waiting…表语放在句首构成倒装结构。所以答案用were excited fans。