

1.Being in physical motion:运动着的:身体活动着的:
active fish in the aquarium.在鱼缸里游动的鱼

2.Functioning or capable of functioning.起作用的:在起作用的或能起作用的

3.Disposed to take action or effectuate change:积极的,热心的:乐意采取行动的或愿意有所变化的:
a director who takes active interest in orporate operations.对合作经营产生浓厚兴趣的管理者

4.Engaged in activity; participating:忙于活动的;参加的:
an active member of a club.俱乐部的积极参加者

active stock and bond markets.忙碌的股票和证券市场

6.Being in continuous use or operation:交易频繁的:不停地使用或运行着的:
an active brokerage account.收支频繁的回扣帐户

7.Being in a state of action; not passive or quiescent:活跃的:处于运动状态的;非消极的非不静止的:
an active volcano.活火山

8.Characterized by energetic action or activity; lively.精力充沛的:以有活力的行为或活动为特征的;充满活力的

9.Requiring physical exertion and energy:剧烈的:需要体力和精力的:
Tennis is an active sport.网球是项剧烈运动

10.Grammar 【语法术语】
Indicating that the subject of the sentence is performing or causing the action expressed by the verb. Used of a verb form or voice.主动的,主动语态的:表示句子主语完成或导致动词表达的动作的。用于动词形态或语态

11.Grammar 【语法术语】 Expressing action rather than a state of being. Used of verbs such as run, speak, and move. 描述动作的:表示动作而非存在状态的。用于指动词,诸如跑、说 和 运动

12.Producing profit, interest, or dividends:获利的,生息的:产生利润,利息或红利的:
active accounts; active stocks.盈利帐户;生息股票

13.Being on full military duty and receiving full pay.现役的:承担全部的军事义务和接受津贴的

14.Music Suggesting that something follows:【音乐】 后接的:表示有后接物的:
active tones.后接音

1.Grammar 【语法】The active voice.主动语态

2.A construction or form in the active voice.主动语态结构,主动语态形式:主动语态的结构或形式

3.A participating member of an organization:积极分子,活跃的人:组织中参加活动的成员:
union actives.工会积极分子
第1个回答  2008-09-14





3、存储:容器由这项机制通知Active控件存储和提取有关信息数据。Active控件只需在Window d的Registry数据库中注册后,就可以象其他Window应用程序一样发挥各自功能。
第2个回答  2008-09-14
1 (of a person) engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits : I needed to change my lifestyle and become more active.
• moving or tending to move about vigorously or frequently : active fish need a larger tank.
• characterized by energetic activity : they enjoyed an active social life.
• (of a person's mind or imagination) alert and lively.
2 doing things for an organization, cause, or campaign, rather than simply giving it one's support : she was an active member of the church | he had never been very active in the affairs of the institute | he enjoyed the active support of the government.
• (of a person) participating or engaged in a particular sphere or activity : a politically active student body.
• [ predic. ] (of a person or animal) pursuing their usual occupation or activity, typically at a particular place or time : tigers are active mainly at night.
3 working; operative : the old mill was active until 1960.
• (of a bank account) in continuous use.
• (of an electrical circuit) capable of modifying its state or characteristics automatically in response to input or feedback.
• (of a volcano) currently erupting, or that has erupted within historical times. Often contrasted with dormant or extinct .
• (of a disease) in which the symptoms are manifest; not in remission or latent : active colitis.
• having a chemical or biological effect on something : 350 active ingredients have been banned from pesticides.
4 Grammar relating to or denoting the voice that attributes the action of a verb to the person or thing from which it logically proceeds (e.g., of the verbs in guns kill and we saw him). The opposite of passive .
noun Grammar
an active form of a verb.
• ( the active) the active voice.
actively adverb
ORIGIN Middle English (in the sense [preferring action to contemplation] ): from Latin activus, from act- ‘done,’ from the verb agere.