初一英语作文 题目 An interesting thing

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Singing is an interesting thing. There's people who are great singers that don't have good sounding voices (think Dylan, or even Bruce) and people who have great voices but aren't technically good singers (think Mariah Carey--her phrasing is abysmal). Now, there are a few singers that have good voices *and* are good technical singers--and these are the people that there is general agreement on. You make a list of these people as "great singers" and you generally don't get much argument. Marvin Gaye, Elvis, Paul McCartney, David Ruffin of the Temptations, Kate Bush, (to get out of rock a bit) Sinatra. That's a few of them. Anyone that tries to tell you that Marvin Gaye couldn't sing doesn't know anything about singing.
第1个回答  2014-03-02
We often do not take much notice of the people around us who on public service jobs. These people are train station workers, airline stewardess, firemen, policemen, bus drivers, taxi drivers and soldiers. Only during some accident these people are then the first ones to come to our aid and sometimes at the risk of their own lives. Recently, I saw a big fire in a ten-story apartment house where firemen worked under great danger. Luckily in this case no one was hurt. Each of us have within us the essence of bravery available on our everyday job, or just going to school, or at home. Soldiers are called to show bravery in defending their country from aggression. Sometimes during a national disaster such as an earthquake or typhoon soldiers are called to help show bravery and strength.