


1. Not to speak of (后接名词)

他的朋友和同事们会深感忧虑,更不用提他的父母会有多么心痛了。(His friends and colleagues will be gravely upset, not to speak of his parents' distress.)

他会流利地说德语和法语,更别提英语了。(Fluent in German and French, not to mention his prowess in English.)

2. Not to mention / Without mentioning (后接名词)

他们连法国香槟这样的奢华享受都提供了,更别提那些常见的鸡尾酒了。(They served French champagne, let alone the usual cocktail selection.)

无论是老人还是孩子都坚决反对,更不用说年轻人的态度了。(Opposition runs high, not to mention the disapproval of the youth.)

3. To say nothing of (后接名词或动名词)

这个句子不仅笨拙,其含义更是晦涩难懂。(This sentence is cumbersome, to say nothing of its baffling nature.)

许多人受伤严重,更不用说造成的建筑损失了。(Severe injuries were the least of the damages, to say nothing of the building wreckage.)

4. Much less / Still less / Even less (后接名词、动词或句子)

她连自己的工作都勉强完成,更别提帮助他人了。(She struggles to finish her tasks, let alone assist others.)

他连英语都无法阅读,更不用说教授了。(His inability to read English speaks volumes about his lack of ability to teach.)

5. Much more / Still more (用于肯定句, 后接名词或介词短语)

她精通法语,更不用说英语了。(French is her forte, much more so English.)

他对我的关怀无微不至,对我哥哥更是加倍呵护。(His kindness extends to me, and even more so to my elder brother.)

- Less, much less, still less, and even less 这些短语在否定句中强调追加的否定,比如“更不用说”。记住,它们只能用于否定句中。
- To say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention, and let alone 这些词组表达“更不消说”,在句子中具有较强的灵活性,其意义随前文的肯定或否定而变化。

- 他疲惫到连走路都困难,更别提跑步了。(Exhausted to the point of barely walking, let alone running.)
- 我从未见过这个人,更不用说交谈了。(I've never laid eyes on him, much less engaged in conversation.)

