mr. smith's clothes store

为Mr.Smith's Clothes Store写一则广告.(Pants 25$ ) (Socks $4) (hats$7 ) (at a very good price) ( afford our prices) ( for yourself ) (on sale)

Mr.Smith's Clothes Store is on sale on.We sell pants,hats,socks at a very good price.We have red and blue pants.The price of red pants is twenty dollars and the price of blue pants is thirty dollars.We also sell hats and every hat is sold at fifteen dollars.A pair of socks in this shop is five dollars.If you buy more than one-hundred-dollar clothes in total,you can receive a twenty-dollar voucher.Why are you waiting?You can afford our prices.You can either buy clothes for yourself or for your friends.Come to Mr.Smith's Clothes Store as quickly as you can!(109字)