

第1个回答  2024-06-11
1. Tomb Sweeping Day, celebrated annually on April 5th, is a traditional Chinese festival. It is a time when we honor our ancestors by cleaning their graves.
2. Each year on this day, we return to the family plot to pay our respects to our ancestors. My grandmother takes charge of preparing the offerings for the Qingming Festival.
3. To carry out the tradition of tomb-sweeping, we have gathered sickles, flowers, and fruits among other necessities.
4. Upon completing the weed removal, we proceed to place paper money on the graves, completing the rituals of replacement and homage.
5. When it comes to burning the paper money, due to its sheer amount, I quickly lay it out and continue burning it until it's all consumed.
6. Beside the grave stands one marked by a cross, to which many people bring flowers to pay their respects. We ultimately conclude the task of tomb-sweeping.