

1、新年(New Year)
People relax from the previous evening’s festivities. They may visit with friends. Many watch college football on television
December 25
This is the Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Families gather to exchange gifts and eat a traditional mea. Families decorate Christmas trees with ornaments and sing songs. Santa Claus. A fat, jolly man in a white beard, brings gifts to all.

A Sunday in the spring (the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or next after March 21.)

This is a Christian religious holiday. People celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion. (Maundy Thursday, the commemoration of Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples; Good Friday, the day of his Crucifixion) Some people stay home from work or school on the receding Friday. On Easter Sunday, Christian families attend church and gather for traditional meals.

Fourth Thursday in November
This holiday commemorates the Pilgrims’ first harvest in the New world. It is celebrated with a large meal, traditionally including roast turkey.

5、愚人节(April Fool's Day)
This is a day when people, especially children, like to play tricks on others

6、母亲节( Mother's Day)
Second Sunday in May
The extended family gathers; mothers and grandmothers receive cards and gifts (carnation).

7、父亲节( Father's Day)
Third Sunday in June
Families gather; father and grandfathers receive cards and gifts.

8、情人节( Saint Valentine's Day)
Usually in the valentine day, bestows a red rose to express between sweetheart's sentiment. On an ajar red rose lining countenance attractive green leaf, however the breech loading in transparent Shan in Zhi the colored plastic bag, ties an attractive butterfly knot in the pedicel lower part with the colored ribbon, forms a fine beautiful small bouquet of flowers, by this achievement valentine day best gift. The rose is one of world main present flowers, indicates single-minded, the emotion and the vigor. The rose has dark red, flesh color, colors generally and so on yellow, white. The famous variety has in Iraq sha Queen Bai (red), the first love (yellow) and so on. The valentine day delivers the red rose most. Delivers the rose suitably how many to the sweetheart take as? Certainly is more better, takes has only one in mind meaning, three represent “me to love you”. Delivers 6, 8 to represent the propitious number, delivers 11, is gives 10 the most beloved person, another represents itself. As for delivers 24 is the international ordinary case, 12 are a dozen, represents one year 12 months, has the pursue to be complete, offers meaning in every month year after year the compassion. the valentine day's chocolate is also indispensable. The chocolate since it has been born has the very complicated relation in the love. Falls in love the people express with the happy chocolate to spouse's thick friendship.

9、万圣节 ( Halloween)
October 31
Children dress up in costumes and go door to door saying “trick or treat.” they expect people to give them candy or other treats. (pumpkins, costume ball)


