
请用 feel spell write down join find
miss be afraid of used to have to worry about
finish allow choose need clean up

I feel lbetter now.
Can you spell it?
Please write it down.
Sit down please.
I will join the army.
I find my book on the chair.
I miss you so much.
I am afraid of my father.
I used to going home on foot.
I have to go now.
Don't be worry about the weather.
I can finish it quickly.
My mother allow me to play outside.
I choose this book.
I need a pen.
Please clean up your room.
第1个回答  2008-09-07
Nothing feels right in our new house.
The Americans spell some words differently from the British.
please write down your last name.
He joined us in the discussion yesterday.
i find the reason why they get better grades than we do.
He missed the point of my joke.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
The poor needs help from the richs.
we clean up our classroom every time the bell rings.
第2个回答  2008-09-07


第3个回答  2008-09-07
1.I feel so bad afer hearing that sad news.
2.Can you spell that word for me?
3. Pleas write down your name at the right corner of the paper.
4. I beleive we will win the gold, if you can join us.
5. I just can't find my bad anyplace in my bedroom, I'm wondering if it is in the bathroom.
6. I missed the early bus, and I'm sure to late.
7. I'm a afraid that I can't go to dinner with you guys, sorry for that.
8. Jack used to drink a cup of milk in the morning.
9.You don't have to sign this by your own, anyone in your family will be OK.
10 Linda is so worried about her final grade.
11. After finishing his homework, little Peter went out with his friends to theatre.
11. Eating is not allowed in the classroom.
12. Many times, we don't have the chances to choose, just accept what life give you.
13. Maybe your grandma need a warm hat, you can buy this as her birthday present.
14. Lily was asked to clean up the room before 3 pm.