谁能帮我写一篇小学5年级的英语作文,题目是学校的一天 (需要中文的翻译)


A school day
I go to school by bike from Monday to Friday. i often arrive school at 7:30. then i help my classmates clean the classroom. we have four classes in he morning and two in the afternoon. we have Math, English, Chinese , PE, Painting and music classes. I like English best because English is very important. i work hard on all the subjects. the school is over at 4:30 in the afternoon.
我从周一到周五骑自行车去上学。i经常在7:30 到校。然后我帮助我的同学们打扫教室。我们上午有4节课,下午有2节课。 我们有数学,英语,语文,体育,美术和音乐课。我最喜欢英语,因为英语非常重要。我努力学习每门课程。下午4:30 放学。
第1个回答  2013-11-11
i have a good friend whose name is Lisa. She likes singing and dancing. Teachers like her very much. We live in one building, so we go to school and back home together every day. At weekend, we often play out with other boys and girls. We get along well with each other.