

Welcome to my homeland - China.
China is a beautiful country with profound culture which is very different than American culture. For example, In China, we usually use chopsticks, not forks nor knives. Chineses' most imoortant meal is lunch, not dinner. We have many different dishes and eat those together with family or friends, not as sepatate as Americans. Also, People will go back to home where ever you are in Chinese New Year to group together with your family. In addition, Chinese don't really have etiquette like kissing hand when we met each other.
As you can see, Chinese culture is very different than American culture. Not only those, you will find out more fun facts if you visit my homeland. China welcome you!


中国是一个美丽的国家,有着深远的文化。中国文化和美国文化有着很大的差异。比如,在中国,我们用筷子吃饭,而不是刀叉。 中国人最重视的一餐是午餐,而不是晚餐。我们通常做很多菜肴,然后和家人或朋友一起吃饭,并不像美国人那样各自分开。还有,人们会在中国新年的时候从遥远的地方赶回家与家人团圆。此外,在中国人见面时,并没有如吻手礼那般的礼节。


PS:我的例子举的不太好还请见谅。答应你了之后动笔时才发现找不出什么待人接物方面太大的差别。我想我是因为在美国住的太久已经把部分中国文化和美国文化融合混淆了。不过这几点貌似还是可行的吧。具体你自己决定好咯~反正我也已经翻译了嘛。若是有任何不满意的话,可以追问我哦~或者你写中文,我帮你翻译也可以哟~ 希望可以帮到你。望采纳哟~