

A picnicIt is a sunny day. We deciding to have a picnic outside the city. In the
morning, we taking an early bus to Nanhui. It is quite a colorful world. There
are green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we reaching the
place, we sitting by the river bank and taking out a lot of things, such as
bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on. But all of a sudden, it
begining to rain. Unluckily there is no shelter nearby. We taking a bus to go
back home in a hurry.What a pity
第1个回答  2014-01-01
Picnic sounds interesting, but it's not at all, the weather hot like a burning
hell, when we got to the picnic place i'm already covered in sweat, ok , maybe
picnic is fun but you have to be careful with the weather, otherwise you will
smell like a wet dog after you finished with your picnic, everything is my
friend's fault, he thought today will be awesome picnic day, i'm pretty sure
that his head got squish by the door, 40 degrees do you honestly think today
will be a good picnic day? don't be ridiculous, it looks like it's a good day
sun light covered the whole city but you got to know that we can cook a egg on
the floor with out any equipments! Ok then we decided to get something to eat in
this shitty place, guess what we have got? A pile of warm bread and jelly, and
melted ice cream, im sick of this, and i left, i left that retards to enjoy his
lovely picnic. 野餐听起来你可能会觉得很有趣, 但真的一点也不有趣, 天气跟火烧的地狱一样热, 当我们到了野餐的地方我已经浑身是汗了,
好吧, 也许野餐真的挺有趣但是天气要多留意不然当野餐结束你身上的味儿会跟落水狗一样,说实话所有都是我朋友犯的错,
他认为今天会是个野餐的好机会,现在我很确定他的脑子给门夹了, 40度 说实话你真觉得今天会是个好的野餐日子吗?真够荒唐,
一堆暖暖的面包和果冻还有化掉的冰淇淋,我受不来了, 我走, 我让那个智障好好享受他美好的野餐吧!
第2个回答  2014-01-01
Summer un Qing Lang, ruisseau de notre classe en banlieue, à partir de intéressant de faire un pique - nique.
Les étudiants répartis en cinq groupes, chaque groupe ont choisi un endroit plat, la recherche de pierres, construit en foyer un "U" forme.Lepremier groupe d'action plus rapide, un camarade de classe qui a fait feu de bois sur la cuisinière, assis sur le pot, mais peu a pris feu, et un de mes camarades de classe a le riz lavé dans le pot, mettre de l'eau, un couvercle et une rafale de vent, le feu, Le feu de joie rouge de lécher le fond du pot.
En ce moment, Xu Jin avec surface de décalaminage, heureux de venir à nous, un étudiant de prendre le premier sac de nouilles instantanées.
Il y a plusieurs étudiants dans le coeur enmatière plastique, est prêt à faire à manger.Une heure plus tard, chaque groupe de base respectives de repas bien assis ensemble, heureux de goûter la nourriture personnellement de faire.